Feline Leukemia

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
Does anyone know if feline leukemiaiscontagious to rabbits as well? I assume not, but I'm consideringfostering a kitty with FL and I want to make sure ahead of time.



Feline leukemia is not contagious. It's cancer of the cats bone marrow, and cancer isnt contagious. :D
Hi Megan

Feline Leukemia (FeLV) is contagious to other cats, but only by meansof intimate contact (exchange of saliva or body fluids) or biting whereblood is drawn. I've never heard of any cross species risk. I've lookedafter cats with it and they're often symptom free for a longtimealso there are things that can be done to minimise theirsymptoms if/when they dooccur. Butthey do end upneeding a much higher level of care than healthy cats, and vets billsare something to consider. If you're aware of that and wanttofoster the poor kitty then I'd say go for it :D.Cats/kittens who are infected need love even more than most. I can'timagine any health risk to your rabbits :)


Thank you both for the advice. It's really ashame because the cat had been in a home for a short time, but itwasn't working out, and it was there that she contracted FL. I feel badfor the little girl. I had another cat that does not have FL, so thiiskitty will have to stay in my guest room. I don't know how many catsthe woman running the organization has, but she mentioned 27 litterboxes!!! So right now the foster kitty is living in a cage because shecan't seperate all the other cats from her. My first concern is alwaysMr. Wiggles, he's my special boy, and I don't want to do anything tocause him harm.


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