I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles
When your dad says he wants to get rid of the dog, say why? If he gives reasons, try to do something that can fix the problem. I'm around your age, and if my parents say something that I don't agree with, I always ask for their reasons why or why not. I'm quite stuborn, but I do it in a sincre way. Just try to listen to your dads complaints, and go from there.
Just try to ignore the shouts. He's probably just letting off steam. I know if my parents are in a bad mood, I usually stay clear of them! But if he's wanting something to get done or do something, best to just do whay he says.
Can't really do much about the school, but hey the sooner it starts the sooner it ends! Don't worry about a wasted summer, that's what summers for. To sit around and just chill out
You don't have an
only friend, you havelots of them on here! Online or not, we are still here foryou!
Can't really do much about the weather. Go wet your hair under some cold water. It's very refreshing and keeps you cool for awhile. Hopefully it will cool off soon!
Don't worry, in a few years you'll be moving on out. Hard times only last a bit, it will get better!