Feeding question

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Sep 13, 2009
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Should i always have pellets in the cage for the bunnies?
I know hay is always supposed to be available to them but is pellets also supposed to be available at all times? or do you give them certain amounts of pellets a day? I don't wanna over weight bunny, i want to make sure to give them the correct amount of food.

Also, do i have to give my bunnies veggies and fruits? Is it best to NOT give them any of that or should i give them some...If i should give them some which is the best veggies or fruits to give them, and how much?
How old can they start eating veggies and fruits????

Bunnies: Netherland dwarf and mini Rex, i have not yet got them but i am wanting to prepare myself to make sure they are the happies bunnies in the world! :bunnyheart
It depends on the age. Young bunnies (under 6 mo) should have unlimited alfalfa-based pellets. Older bunnies (6-10 mo) should have a limited amount of alfalfa pellets, amount depends on the size of the bunny. Adult bunnies should get a limited amount of timothy hay-based pellets. Amount again depends on weight and what else you're feeding.

Veggies and fruit: there are lots of lists out there. I feed 1c veggies to each of my 2-3lb bunnies a day, and my 4-5lb bunnies get 2c veggies each a day. You don't have to give that much--this is the "House Rabbit Society Diet," what you'll find on the House Rabbit Society website. Many people only feed veggies as treats. A treat is something that they only get 1-2 oz of, which is what I do for veggies.

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