Feeding and litter boxes issues

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
rocky hill, Connecticut, USA
I have my trio and it has it's own issues I will discuss at the end. First my biggest my bonded pair.

Elvis and Teresa have been bonded for about a year. Elvis has always been a healthy eater. A chow right down, dig in till there is nothing left. Now Teresa can and has made 1/4 pellets last up to three feedings. She will chow down on salad and hay that you don't worry. Now since being with Elvis he tends to eat his half and half if not more of hers. We noticed the last month and half that she has dropped weight(Still healthy weight just not what we want), he has gained a little bit (Still healthy just more than we want).

So wehave beenseparating her at feeding time and when we can during the day. It is hard to make sure she is getting enough feedings. We have been debating separating them. Teresa would do fine, Elvis we are not sure would. We are also trying to figure a better set-up, currently we have a small cube made out of NIC that Teresa goes into inside of their pen. We are thinking about making a 4 long by 2 wide pen with a flap that sections it off in to 1x2 section to feed her and a 3x2 for Elvis. If it doesn't get them to where we want them at we may have to separate them. Which we would like to avoid.

So now my trio, Connor, Dallas, and Chibi... So issue one DALLAS is a DISGUSTING little bunny dude. He is so lazy he will sit in his pee. No matter what we try he doesn't try to do better. Smaller space, no soft materials just solid surface, soaking pee in towel tossing it in to litter pan... NOTHING. The only two thing that has worked has been cleaning DAILY (which is a pain) or filling up every inch of floor space with litter pans. Yea that looks so awesome. That worked but they couldn't just zip around. I am out of idea other than the cleaning daily. So anyone have ideas?

Now he also will also over eat, thank god we now have the food balanced that his over eating isn't causing excess cecals.
When my rabbits were bonded I never worried about who ate what. Then they unbonded and I realized that Chase was eating a lot of Little Bunny's food. Little Bunny is still crazy about her food now even though they have been separated a year. So I understand where you are coming from with that. If I ever got them bonded again. I would feed them separately. That way you can see how much each is eating and then I would put them back into a cage that they shared. I would just set up a separate cage for one bunny that was just for feeding and leave the other one in their normal cage, feed the food and wait for an hour or so and put them back together and any food that was left over. After an hour, I would think the bun would have had a chance to atleast fill up so the other bunny wouldn't be eating all the food. I think your idea of having a flap so you can separate them or have them together is great. Plus then both rabbits will be comfortable in both areas.

I have never had an issue with my rabbits sitting in urine. But we have been through some rough litter box habits where they will go on the floor and I will have 5 litter boxes in that area. I would try to put a lot of litter boxes in there. After Dallas starts going in them, slowly remove them one by one. Hopefully he will go in what is left and you can get down to one or two litter boxes. Does he have a certain area he likes to go in or is it just where ever he wants? I have blocked off areas to stop my rabbits from going there. This may be bad but I tried putting hay in the litter boxes and that didn't help. So I bought some of those yummy chew sticks that you can hang on a cage and hung it so they had to be in the litter box to eat it. That worked well until it was gone. I also tried to buy a huge under the bed tupperware container and use that as a litter box. That worked well but used a ton of litter.

I hope you have luck finding a solution. I think litter box habits are the most annoying thing. I get more aggravated by that then eating my house. Good luck.
I think Amy's suggestions are super :) I'm also going through a bit of litter-pan silliness, so I hear ya :hug:

For the pee issue, I think a wire floor with the slide out pans is your best bet... if he absolutely cannot be litter trained.
(Won't work as well if anybunny has rexy/thin fur, or already prone to sore hocks.)

You can buy a cage, or custom-design your own version that fits the NIC shapes. (Could just build an NIC sized wood frame however big your cage is, cover it in wire, and place litterboxes below).
We have previously done litter pans covering every inch.... Doesn't stop him.

This is their cage.


Send me the Lieth and I'll send you the SP Giant :p. I'm sure I can go out and find something to fill that Lieth with :rofl:.

Maybe you can get a 1 floor long cage from KWcages or Midwest makes cages that you can attach to each other & they have wire bottoms.

As much as I don't like wire bottoms, I think that is going to be your best best.

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