I'm guessing you're looking at the HRS feedingrecommendations? Yes, you would technically feed half the "5lb bun amount" to each dwarf bun. Although it really doesdepend on the individual rabbits, especially since dwarf rabbits oftenhave higher metabolisms than medium sized or larger rabbits.Also, if they're not eating much hay it's often best to reduce theirpellets to encourage them to eat more.
I start with the HRS recommendations and tweak them for each bun. For example...
My dwarf hotot girls (2.5 and 3.5 lbs) get about 1/8-3/16 cup pelletsper day plus a fairly big pile of unmeasured veggies. Thatamount is based on what they can safely eat without starting to getmushy poops. They're really sensitive to protein, and I feedOxbow Timothy pellets!:shock:
Mocha (2 lbs) and Loki (5 lbs) used to get 1/2 cup of pellets per bunevery day. So she got 4x the recommended amount of pelletsand he got 2x. Plus lots of veggies. They were notoverweight, and actually this is the diet that Loki was on to help himloose the huge amount of pudge he had when I adopted him.However, Mocha was less than a year old at this time. Thislast spring I noticed that they often had pellets left over by the nextfeeding time and they weren't eating as much hay as they should havebeen. I started slowly reducing their pellets and settled on1/4 cup per bun per day. They started eating a lot more hayand Loki seemed to loose just a touch more weight although he was moreor less ideal. This is the amount I'm feeding now.
Oh, and all three of my dwarf girls tend to be a little on the skinnyside. They seem to have high metabolisms which, as I said, isnot uncommon in smaller breeds.