Feed Balls

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2006
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Dundee, Scotland, ,
Yesterday I was in my local pet shop. It's tinyand there's hardly anything for rabbits in it, but I found somethingcalled a feed ball.

It's a smallround ball with a hole in the bottom. It saysit's a boredom buster, you fill it with rabbit food and they push itaround to get the food out.SorryI couldn't find anypictures. Anyway, I bought it.

Has anyone else bought one of these? Probably I've wasted my money onsomething stupid that they won't even play with! I suppose I just gotexcited that there was actually a rabbit toy in that shop!!! Anyreplies would be much appreciated;)
I have a bigger one of these for my dog, but itdidn't work at all for her, but that is because she chewed rightthrough the darn thing in less than a week. I have seen thesefor rabbits and have considered buying one for my little bun.I am in the same situation as you, I find so few rabbit toys and thingsthat once I see something I want to buy it right away just because itis for rabbits. I have bought her something similar to what Ithink you are talking about. The one she has right now iswooden and comes with a treat in the middle. The one I'veconsidered is plastic and has different holes around it so the rabbithas to figure out how to position it so that the treat or food comesout. Is that the treat ball you're talking about?
I have one for Angel. Although Ihardly ever put treats in it, she pushes it around in her cage, shelikes it alot. Her's is the same as the one you have, butgreen! :D
I have one for my girls and they loveit!:jumpforjoy: Especially Ruby, she races around throwing it about andslam dunking it! It's way more fun for them than eating out of a bowlplus it spreads the time they are eating out which is good for keepingthem amused.;)
iamawesum69420 wrote:
I decided to look around online and found a site that had apic of what I think you are talking about, the toy that I saw.


Is this something like what you saw in your pet store?

Yeah this is the exact one I bought!:shock:

So it was a good idea to buy it then! I have put it in with them andhave seenboth Berri and Ebony pushing it around (I'm surePebble will try, she's just usually last to do everything!). I'm notsure if they've mastered it yet though.:)
Yay, today I saw Berri pushing the ball with hernose, eating the pieces that came out, then doing it again! She seemsto love it! Even when it was empty she was puhing it about the floorhaving fun!:elephant:

Looks like it wasn't a waste of £3 after all!:D