Favorite Place for Scratches

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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lol, well here I was, laying on the floorwatching Spice when he started vigorously scrathing behind his left earand just couldn't seem to get the right place. So I went over toscratch him and I worked my way down to his cheek. Well as soon as Istarted scratching his cheek, he vigorously started licking the carpet.I take it that he loved that. And it's not only one side, hedoes the same on the other side, too. Funny bunny!

Where's your bunnies favorite place to be scratched?
Winston likes to be scratched on his forehead. Ifmy hand is close to his face, or if I'm touching his back or toes andhe doesn't want me to, he'll nuzzle his head under my hand and leave itthere for petting. It's very cute. ;) I think he also likes it on thecheek.
Each of my rabbits have their favorite places to be scratched, and they let us know when we hit that sweet spot.

Chompers favorite is his ears. He clicks and chuckles when we rub hisears. Another favorite is his cheeks. He'll even lift his paw on theside you're petting, with his head down presenting.

Abby loves her nose, in between her eyes. She also loves that reallysoft spot right behind the ears. She hunkers right down for that.

Valuran only likes between his eyes pet. He'll push your hand away ifyou touch his cheeks, when he's not in the mood that is. And being ateen, he's mostly not in the mood for anything!
cheeks, top of head, behind the ears, along the back, ears

She's pretty much open to being petted anywhere but her feet and belly (and I can do the belly if she's tranced).



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