I was looking at Fraggles yesterday and noticed her tummy is not as tubby as it used to be. Since we moved she has been doing a lot more binky's and lots of bunny 500's as there is TONS more room for her to play. Also we took some good advice and bought a cat wand which she loves to charge and chase. Now instead of our house guests getting out the craison's so they can watch her beg they wanna get out the wand and watch her "act like a kitty". She is still a chubby bunny but we are working on it. We did add pellets back into her diet as I was concerned she was not getting the vitamins that the pellets provide. But we did cut way back on the treats although my husband still slips her those dried chinese noodles . So let's here the fat bunny updates! Don't be shy...This is what F.B.A (fat bunny anonymous) is for. Talking about your fat bunny or bunnies without shame or judgment.