Yes, Varna! it's great! Like BunnyMom says.... straight white vinegar left to soak for a bit takes off all the urine residue.
If there is a buildup of it, you might have to let it sit for a goodwhile, so put something else in that pan's place or whatever, but rinseand wipe with a papertowel or something and it's gone.
I use it on Bo's plastic litterbox all the time and it keeps it like new.
I only have to wash his pan 1 time per week now that I got woodypet, but it is wonderful.
Vinegar is a good cleaning product for other things as well.I have a part-time business where I clean some houses. I usevinegar and water in a spray bottle to clean up hairspray off ofceramic tile floors (let it soak for a bit and mop up with very hotwater)..... It will also take soap scum off showers and things.....