fan question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
scottsville, Kentucky, USA
we have no ac! so the fan has been on all day. i was wondering if its okay to have a fan blow in the rabbits general direction for hours at a time. i am leaving all day tomorrow and was planning on keeping the fan blowing towrd them, but not directly on them.
You poor thing! How hot does it get there?

The fan should be fine, but I'd also suggest putting frozen water bottles in with them a couple of times a day to prevent overheating.

You can also freeze ceramic tiles and put them in the cages for them to lay on. If you don't have any, you can pick up some for like 50 cents each at Home Depot or other DIY stores. They always have some on clearance.

I know that rabbits are more susceptible to heat than cold. I also have read that they should not be kept in drafty areas. That being said, I would probably keep the fan on medium and point it in the center of the room......
It looks like you're going to be in the 90s today :shock:.....85 is what I would consider approaching the danger zone.

Just a note: In my experience, buns have a harder time adjusting from a cold environment to a warm one. But any drastic change in temp could harm them.

Have the fan on for want an indirect breeze for the buns so position it so it will keep the air circulating.....mine blows straight up at the ceiling.

Have someone check on them if you can.

Use a spray bottle of water and mist their ears down if the start to show signs of overheating.

Put some frozen water bottles in the cages/hutches.

Gypsy gave the idea of putting chilled ceramic floor tiles in with the buns.....I used this the last time it got hot by good.

Check the notes on keeping your bun cool in the Bunny 101 section.

Good thoughts and prayers are sent your way!!!!


Spring wrote:
Also, if there's a window in the room I'd maybe try to cover it to maybe cool the room of a bit.

I also forgot to mention humidity. Buns disapate heat through their respiration and moisture in the air may inhibit this process.
The muzzle of a bun will get moist/damp, or even wet in the extreme, and is an indication of a bun overheating.

Definitely close the blinds and curtains if you can. Doing this yields and almost 5 degree temperature difference in my house.
JimD wrote:
I also forgot to mention humidity. Buns disapate heat through their respiration and moisture in the air may inhibit this process.
The muzzle of a bun will get moist/damp, or even wet in the extreme, and is an indication of a bun overheating.

I'd think this wouldmeanbeing 'air cooled' is a good thing. Kinda like an old Volkswagen.;)

Certainly better than the alternative of no air conditioning AND no fan.

Good suggestions from all. Good luck!

sas :)and the gang of five :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
oh we live in a basement house. with the fan on its not nearly over 80!

they have not show any signs of over heating or a wet muzzle. i am honestly not worried. thanks for your concern:cool:, i will point the fan towrd the middle of the room.

you guys are so nice and great:bunnydance:
Good ideas, Jim! I checked out the Cooling a Rabbit thing in the Rabbit 101...lots of good information. We have an AC in our place, but despite only having a one bedroom apartment, the air just wasn't circulating. Thankfully, a friend is letting us use a fan of theirs, and since using it, the apartment has been MUCH cooler! Turns out the cool air had been containing itself in the kitchen (of all places), so we have the fan set up so the air gets blown into the livingroom and rest-of-the-house. :)

If it gets very warm in here, I will do the frozen water bottles thing. :)

Thanks, guys! :D

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