Eye Problem

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Wouldn't you know it, the eve of a long weekend, the vet is closed, my car is dead, and my bunny has a problem.

Pipp has a pink, weepy eye. It's the same eye she's alwayshad trouble with -- she got swiped by one of the cats (it wasself-defence) and I think it caught her in her third eyelid.(It was bleeding, I was REALLY upset and was cuddling her, verysympathetic, right up until I put her down for a second to get akleenex, and she went straight for the cat again).

At that time, afriend that was about to bunnysit took her toa vet, whotreated it with an antibiotic. When I gother back, I had my bunny vet look at it, and he may have done a bit ofan operation on the eyelid when he was spaying her, he said he wasgoing to, but I forgot to ask. She's had no problems since,but I've been noticing that the same eye always has a lot of hair andstuff floating in it. I try and wipe it with a kleenex, somaybe I irritated it, I don't know.

I've been meaning to ask about drops to keep her eyecleanwithout having to mess with a kleenex. Will contactlensesaline solution work?

Anyway, now today it's pink and weepy. She's alsobebeen shaking her head just a weebit, but no signof swelling or discomfort with her cheeks, jaw or teeth, and nothing inher ears. (Thecats and the bunny all live indoors,so mites are unlikely).

Her nose seems dry. She's eating normally. (I'mfeeling bad because she went without greens the last three or fourdays, I couldn't get to the store, but shegot dried appleanda grape or two).

All i've got here is saline and a tube of Polysporin for the externaleye.

Any suggestions? Hopefully the vetis open Saturday.


you canuse regular saline oryou can use , or boiledbottled water to rinseher eye out with , eitherwill work forremoving the goop inher eye

the tissues you havebeen using may be contributingto the irritation inher eye , reglarhuman tissues have lotsof tinyparticles in htem thatcan be left behindin the eyes , if yourgoing to have to wipethe eyess out it is betterto use a soft lint freecloth and salinesolution fordoing that there willbe less irritationsgood luck and keep us posted
