really need to be extra cautious on using drugs in eyes. This could be several conditions. It could be an infection (eye, upper respiratory or dental), it could be a corneal abrasion or it could be an ulcer.
Before treating an eye issue, the eye should be stained by a vet. This isa diagnostic procedure that will introduce a dye into the eye that will glow under UV light. If there is a scratch, the dye will stick to that abrasion....same for an ulcer. Treatment for abrasions include a lubricant (I prefer a gel...Refresh Gel is a brand name and there are generics). These gels and lubrincants can be purchased at any pharmacy without prescription. An appropriate antibiotic is also normally prescribed. Erythromicin would not be on my list of treatments. Generally Tobraymycin or Terrmycin are usually used....and for some stubborn infections, Gentamicin drops. If there is an ulcer, it is imperative that no steroids are used (and many eye meds have have to be careful).
My experience tells me that it is most likely a corneal abrasion. This can happen from a piece of hay or even being scratched by a litter mate. Abrasions should be professionally treated. Left untreated, they can become ulcers and that adds many more problems. In the meantime, I would get some of the lubricant I mentioned and put a few drops in the eye every 3- 4 hours. I prefer gels since they "hang in there" better than liquid drops. And I would suggest having a vet stain that eye to make sure there are no corneal issues going on. Eyes are eyes so any vet should be able (if willing) to take a look. Unless a systemic antibitotic is needed.....treatment for eye conditions are pretty standard depending on the exact issue.