New Member
Hi.. this is my first time on this site.
I was looking for some help...
I have two 8-week old female Netherland Dwarfs one named Cinnamon the other named Pancakes.
we've had them for a week now and they have been great little mates. They play together cuddle, lick each other etc. We've gotten them from the same litter.
This morning my fiance and I woke up to them fighting in the cage. Cinnamon's eye was bleeding quite a bit. I cleaned it up and applied pressure and his eye has stopped bleeding. She is playing around, eating and acting like herself.
Her lower eyelid has a cut, but we've looked at her eye it seems to have no markings or injuries. her upper eyelid is a little swollen but she seems fine and still has good coordination. Pancakes helped clean the
wound. The vet is closed today so I was wondering what I need to do. Will a vet stitch it or will it heal on its own or what solution should I use to clean the eye?
Also should I separate them? Should they still be litter mates? right now they're in their cage which is an XL cage and are cuddling and licking eachother. I don't know what to do i'm scared that they will fight again.
I was looking for some help...
I have two 8-week old female Netherland Dwarfs one named Cinnamon the other named Pancakes.
we've had them for a week now and they have been great little mates. They play together cuddle, lick each other etc. We've gotten them from the same litter.
This morning my fiance and I woke up to them fighting in the cage. Cinnamon's eye was bleeding quite a bit. I cleaned it up and applied pressure and his eye has stopped bleeding. She is playing around, eating and acting like herself.
Her lower eyelid has a cut, but we've looked at her eye it seems to have no markings or injuries. her upper eyelid is a little swollen but she seems fine and still has good coordination. Pancakes helped clean the
wound. The vet is closed today so I was wondering what I need to do. Will a vet stitch it or will it heal on its own or what solution should I use to clean the eye?
Also should I separate them? Should they still be litter mates? right now they're in their cage which is an XL cage and are cuddling and licking eachother. I don't know what to do i'm scared that they will fight again.