Extremely Aggressive Baby Rabbit

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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Richmond, Virginia, USA
I thought I was pretty good handling bad bunny behavior, but I guess every one runs into something odd.

My 2 bunnies(which both are not neutered), Rocko, a aprox. 3/12 months old, Dutch bunny and Mr. Bun Bun, my male, 8 year old, Holland lop mix(pretty much a holland lop with pointed ears), do not get along.

Just a few minutes ago, I let the bunnies play about in the room. I said I wasn't going to let them out any more, cause Rocko attacks Bun Bun, but I want them to bond so maybe they'll get along better.

Well, it wasn't this time. Some bites from him, I used a squirt bottle to keep Rocko from attacking Mr. Bun Bun - but it didn't work this time. He lunged at Bun Bun against a wall and they both started started kicking feet at each other. I quickly ran to stop it and put the bunnies in the cage. The rabbits had no injuries.

As a reminder, Mr. Bun Bun is friendly around baby rabbits, he has never injured any rabbits I've owned, although he likes to mount alot.

Here's a simple little sketch of how the bunnies looked like when they fought for any help:

^Bun Bun against the wall. Both rabbits are kicking their feet.

Rocko usually bites Bun Bun when he mounts him or has him cornered - which is understandable. But he will also attack for NO reason, minding his own business, sneaking up on him, attacking him through the cage, and during "binkie sessions(the nasty attack that just hapend was during a "binkie session")." Brinca and Koga(past bunnies) even Bun Bun himself, have never shown such aggressive behavior.

The behavior from a baby rabbit sounds so bizarre. Do you think Rocko was born with a disorder? He was raised in a rabbitry that is famouse for their saying: "Guaranteed frendly rabbits!" Koga was friendly as can be - but this Rocko is just awful.

I don't plan on neutering my rabbits. I don't have enough cash, and I think there can be other ways to bond the buns than fixing them.

Any tips I can do to bond them or at least something with Rocko? Rocko is becoming a real issue. Bun Bun is totally innocent. I'm hoping this behavior will go away once he's older and less hyper, but as he ages, it seems his aggression gets worse, and it would be horrible if Bun Bun can't have a friend to play with. Rocko even grunts and at Bun Bun through the cage. He even acts like he wants a go at him in the cage, he bites and scratches the wire. I had no choice but to move Rocko's cage away from Bun Bun's cage where they can't see each other anymore.

Any bonding tips will help!

this is normal behaviour..:)..2 unaltered males fight ..thats what they do..neutering is the only way ur even gonna have a CHANCE at bonding them..and then theres still no guarantees with 2 males...u keep doing what ur doing and someones gonna get hurt..

there is nothing wrong with Rocko..:)
Thanks for the response. Strange though. Mr. Bun Bun and Koga(a former bunny), both bucks, not neutered, never fought with each other. They both loved the "humping game", though. lol Better humping than fighting. Rocko's testicals haven't even dropped yet(I see some skin) although he's a nasty little thing.
ur bunbun and koga relationship was unique.that is rare....hehe nasty is right i thought the same thing about all my boys before they were neutered..
doesnt Bunbun have testicle cancer?.why arent u aiming for him to get altered?.
Cause I don't have the money to have him neutered, the vet isn't sure either. He said there's a strong chance. I also just found this out just last week. If I had the money, of course I would neuter Bun Bun first for the sake of his health.
Rocko is deff ready to be neutered, He is probably just sucking his balls up when you try to feel. Most of the bunnies in my rescue are ready to be neutered at around 3- 3 1/2 months old.

I would not try to put them together again. Once they start fighting most bunnies remember that and will fight anytime you put them together.
Thanks guys.

It's strange how Rocko, the baby bunny, attacks the already-owned adult rabbit. Baby bunnies are supposed to look up to the older bun - not vice versa.
Yeah Rocko's hormones are raging right now. Also there are places that can neuter animals for free or at a low cost in the United States. Maybe check into that and that way you can get them both neutered at the same time.

Another thing, bunnies don't care what age the other bunnies are in the heiarchy. if you have an older bun and a younger bun, the younger bun whose hormones are raging will try to fight the older bun for dominance. They won't "look up" to the older bun when their hormones hit.

I agree with Flash Gordon, getting them fixed is your only chance of bonding them, although they might not bond now that they have had a fight, then again they might bond. Only way to tell is get them neutered.

You may not have money right now, but I would save up the money and/or look into free or low cost spay/neuter places, like the humane society. I had to save up money to get Sweetie and Prince fixed, both were done at my vet because I was not comfortable with anyone else doing it.
My baby bunny was the same too, he charged the older fixed bunny on his first day - he's been fixed since Feb 18 and his hormones are still out of whack and he still tries to charge the older male bunny. I hope he mellows right down because I was planning on bonding them later -

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