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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Blah~Central, Illinois, USA
When you feel a rabbit's front top inscisors,how long should they be and should it vary from rabbit to rabbit or isthere a definite length? Snuffles' feel long compared to myminirex's. Just curious cuz his nose felt wet a bit ago, sojust wondering. Angel's nose sometimes is wet too, is thisnormal for some buns?

Thanks in advance you wonderful peeps! :D
Heres some good links on teeth from our resourcecenter: know it varies from breed to breed, depending on size.

How bad is the runny nose? Is the discharge clear or white? Anysneezing or matted fur in the front paws? Could be lots ofthings ranging from allergies to an infection to teeth problems. Also,some rabbits will get a bit of a wet nose if they're running around orjust had some water.

Hope this helps!
Thanks Haley! Angel has had this offand on for as long as I can remember. Clear, can't see it, Ijust feel it, it's very thin like our nose w/ allergies.Probably nothing, but I am just concerned b/c she hasn't been eatingher hay, she's picky so. As far as Snuffles, I've only hadhim coming up on 3 weeks, just neutered, he could've just had water,and it could be same as Angel, occasional wet nose. I'm justbeing precautious is all. I'll keep a look out. Idid do some reading about overgrown teeth and OMG, those can reallyovergrow like fingernails! No, nothing that long. Thank youagain. :brownbunny:thumbup
yeah, isnt that amazing how long they can get, like tusks! those poor bunnies!

Its definitely good to keep an eye (or two) on your buns to look forany possible problems. My max had a runny nose (still does) and wenever did figure out why. He went through baytril, cultures, allergymed etc and nothing seemed to really help. In the end, it wasgood he had the runny nose bc I was able to catch an abscess toothearly enough for it to be removed with little damage. And, it got mechecking the buns over daily for any lumps, which is when I found anabscess on the cheek of my other bunny, Basil. Again, I wasable to have it removed very early on.

Just keep an eye out. Its definitely good to read up on everything you can..just so you know what to look for :)
Haley, I just realized (I'm a dumb***) that Ihave been feeding both rabbits the pellets that came w/ Suffles when Igot him called "Small World" and it says in the ingredients first"alfalpha" sp?. Does that mean (which I think it does) thatthey're alfalpha pellets and not timothy? Darn it, I didn'teven think to look at that. No wonder no one wantshay. I will go get the right stuff tomorrow! :?
Does that mean (which I think it does) thatthey're alfalpha pellets and not timothy?
Yes, it most certainly does! Alfalfa pellets are OK for young, growingrabbits, but alfalfa has too much protein in it for adult rabbits, soyou'll want to switch to a timothy-based pellet.
I actually had my husband pick up Angel'sfavorite, Sunthing Special, can't remember who it's made by, but it's agood timothy pellet, I gave it to Snuffles and he seemed to loveit! Ang hasn't had it but maybe a week. We're good,I am so glad I looked at that. That means that Snuffles hasbeen on it for awhile, poor baby. See, aren't you all glad(as am I) that I took him upon the offer? I am! :yes:
I use timothy complete, thats a good one. Oxbow is good too.

Just make sure to go slowly if you're switching pellets. I just gradually faze the old ones out over a period of a few weeks.
I've seen Sunthing Special, it doesn't look toobad except for the few treats that are in there. But holy cowis it expensive! 6 lbs for $10? My Oxbow pelletsare 10 lbs for $10 and I think Kaytee is the same.

I'm glad you're switching them off Small World. I really dohate that stuff. That's what Fey and Sprite were fed by theirlast owner. By any chance does Snuffles have relativelycoarse fur and gross poop? Fey and Sprite were pretty bad,although they are very sensitive to protein/alfalfa. But Igot that same response from a lot of other people that used to feed ittoo.

For Angel's nose, have you tried sifting the dust out of thepellets? I do every time I open a new bag, otherwise Loki'seye acts up. He has a tear duct that gets cloggedeasily. I did notice that the Sunthing Special pellets I sawwere dusty compared to Oxbow, but it might have been theshipment. It's a new product at that store, so I don't haveanything to compare it to.
I guess you could say that Snuffles' fur feelslike a guinea pigs. A bit course I suppose. Noyucky poos except when out of cage, but since his surgery, he's onlybeen out once. He peed in the kitchen. Just lettinghim get used to his new home.

The Sunthing Special pellets my husband has been picking up at the petstore, they also have in a big bin, and it's a bit cheaper, so you justscoop out how much you want and put it in plain plastic bags.I'll check into Oxbow. Don't know if we can find it aroundhere (Illinois), don't ever remember seeing it. When it getsdown in the bag, I'll sift if for Angel.

Thanks for all your help you guys.
