Well-Known Member
Hey there all.
Arwyn's breeder has another litter of sandy Flemish. I'm going there tomorrow to take a look at them and see if any of them have the characteristics I want. Temperment is a big one and I know she breeds carefully for that. I'm trying to hold back all of my excitement because there are specifics (darker, heavier) that I am looking for and I don't want to be crushed if none of these guys have them, but it's hard.
If'n I do get myself a new boy, I'll be posting pics! Promise!!
Arwyn's breeder has another litter of sandy Flemish. I'm going there tomorrow to take a look at them and see if any of them have the characteristics I want. Temperment is a big one and I know she breeds carefully for that. I'm trying to hold back all of my excitement because there are specifics (darker, heavier) that I am looking for and I don't want to be crushed if none of these guys have them, but it's hard.
If'n I do get myself a new boy, I'll be posting pics! Promise!!