Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone

And, Katie, they are ADORABLE!!:shock: I adore lops! Tell me more about them, please! Everything you know!
Cinnabun was an indoor bunny. He was a Netherlands Dwarf mix with Silver Marten markings, only brown instead of black. He went outside on his leash sometimes to nibble the clover, but his cage was smack dab in the center of our house and all the activity and he was out bouncing around or snuggling someone pretty much whenever my brother or I was home. When I was 10, my brother and I persuaded our parents to let us get a bunny. They told us if we were nice to each other all summer, we could get one at the end of August and we set the date (August 18, to be exact). We hadn't done any research on bunnies yet, and needless to say, the very next day (July 6th), we were at the mall and my brother saw a brown bunny at the pet store and convinced my mom to let us get her (aka... "him" as we found out later). This would be my darling Cinnabun!
We bought all the bunny books they had and my whole family read them. We found out bunnies like having friends, and I convinced my mom to get a second bunny. It took about a week to convince her. I chose a baby mini lop, white with butterscotch spots and named her Butterfly. Unfortunately, there was no internet at this point, our books said nothing about how to introduce rabbits and as a 10 year old, how would I know you couldn't just put the bunnies together? Cinnabun and Butterfly went from snuggling and grooming each other to gigantic fur-ripping out fight. We tried a few more times to put them together, but they always acted aggressive and my parents decided we had to bring Butterfly back to the pet store. It had only been 2 days and now I'm sure we could have successfuly introduced them if we had more time, but my family thought they would never get along and my parents didn't want 2 cages and thought they'd get half the attention since only one could be out at a time. Bringing Butterfly back to the store broke my little heart (my mom still feels guilty, we aren't the type of people to give up on pets) and I knew that next time I got bunnies, I would start out with two.
I have lots more stories about my sweet Cinny that I'm sure I'll share when the opportunity arises. I'm now 22 and he died 5 years ago, I'm planning to make a post for him on the Rainbow Bunnies board. I submitted a picture of him dressed up for Halloween to Katie's bunny photo contest. Here is another picture of him (I hope it shows up!)