excited to have bunnies again!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Alaska, USA
Hi! I just finished reading almost every recent post on this forum, as well as all the articles and links in Bunny 101. My name is Shiloh and I'm a bun-aholic. I live in chilly Fairbanks, Alaska and am going to college. Now, why I'm here... I love bunnies! I had a bunny named Cinnabun when I was younger and was completely in love with him. He has since passed on (he lived for seven years, much too short for me), five years ago actually, but I still miss him a lot. I am hoping to adopt a pair of bunnies from one of the rescues here in a year or so and just thought I'd dive into the online rabbit community until then. I've really enjoyed reading your forum and can't wait to get to know you and your bunnies!
Hey Shiloh! (I love your name :p )
Good luck with adoping a pair~ Keep us updated, and post pictures if you finally bring them home~
Welcome to the forum, and I hope you find it even more fun than when you were browsing through ;)

~Diana and Butterfinger

I hope you get to adopt a pair too! that would be great!

What kind of bunny was Cinnabun? Was he an inside bunny?
aparently my first post got lost in the ether...

Yay for more Alaskans! Eventually we will take over the forum! and here's that picture I was trying to show you ;)


Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone :D And, Katie, they are ADORABLE!!:shock: I adore lops! Tell me more about them, please! Everything you know!

Cinnabun was an indoor bunny. He was a Netherlands Dwarf mix with Silver Marten markings, only brown instead of black. He went outside on his leash sometimes to nibble the clover, but his cage was smack dab in the center of our house and all the activity and he was out bouncing around or snuggling someone pretty much whenever my brother or I was home. When I was 10, my brother and I persuaded our parents to let us get a bunny. They told us if we were nice to each other all summer, we could get one at the end of August and we set the date (August 18, to be exact). We hadn't done any research on bunnies yet, and needless to say, the very next day (July 6th), we were at the mall and my brother saw a brown bunny at the pet store and convinced my mom to let us get her (aka... "him" as we found out later). This would be my darling Cinnabun!

We bought all the bunny books they had and my whole family read them. We found out bunnies like having friends, and I convinced my mom to get a second bunny. It took about a week to convince her. I chose a baby mini lop, white with butterscotch spots and named her Butterfly. Unfortunately, there was no internet at this point, our books said nothing about how to introduce rabbits and as a 10 year old, how would I know you couldn't just put the bunnies together? Cinnabun and Butterfly went from snuggling and grooming each other to gigantic fur-ripping out fight. We tried a few more times to put them together, but they always acted aggressive and my parents decided we had to bring Butterfly back to the pet store. It had only been 2 days and now I'm sure we could have successfuly introduced them if we had more time, but my family thought they would never get along and my parents didn't want 2 cages and thought they'd get half the attention since only one could be out at a time. Bringing Butterfly back to the store broke my little heart (my mom still feels guilty, we aren't the type of people to give up on pets) and I knew that next time I got bunnies, I would start out with two.

I have lots more stories about my sweet Cinny that I'm sure I'll share when the opportunity arises. I'm now 22 and he died 5 years ago, I'm planning to make a post for him on the Rainbow Bunnies board. I submitted a picture of him dressed up for Halloween to Katie's bunny photo contest. Here is another picture of him (I hope it shows up!)

Oh he was beautiful! what a sweet face! I know you miss him.

I reallyhope you get the new pair. I'm bunny crazy too. They're just so cute, sweet (mostly) and interesting! Plus they are fun to snuggle!
I really don't know all that much about them, but I can e-mail Karan (or give her your e-mail) if you would like to know :)I do know that they ran up to me and let me give them pets, they seem to be really friendly. And Karan said that she wouldn't split them up at all, if someone was taking one they were taking both. Which says to me that they have a really strong bond and she doesn't expect them moving to a new place to cause any kind of rift between them. I also have some more picture for you ;)





She also has another pair of bonded lops, but she said she would be willing to split those ones up. I held the female for a little bit and she was very skittish, even when she was in her cage. (She ended up trying to jump back into the hutch, falling, running, and getting in a fight with some of the free range bunnies I felt sooo bad:() So if you want Karan's email or phone just let me know, she'll be more than happy to tell you EVERYTHING about her babies.
Oh, Thumper is so sweet! I love looking at pictures of bunnies that look like Cinnabun. Is Thumper a boy or a girl? One of the forum members had a lop who recently passed on (Lucky) who looked like a floppy eared black Cinnabun. So cute! I had seen the bunny in her avatar then read she had died :(

Katie, I e-mailed Karan! I actually already had her e-mail address, Jeanette Rogers with a bunny rescue in Wasilla gave it to me. The pictures are great! They have now become my wallpaper on my computer. Do you know if they're boys or girls? How big are they? The black and white one looks like a mini lop, but the other one looks bigger than that. The tan one reminds me of Butterfly!! They both look great. I may have forgotten to mention this before, but I won't be able to adopt for another year to year and a half. I live in a small apartment and have 2 cockatiels, 2 hamsters and 4 rats (and an aquarium). A big bunny cage just would not fit! As grim as this sounds, I'm planning to wait until my dear ratties pass on. It's sad because I most certainly do NOT want them to die, yet I'm looking forward to having bunnies. I hope my rats live for a long time! Ideally, we would just move into a bigger apartment where I could have rats and bunnies :biggrin2:
Shiloh, I posted more pics on my Life after neuter thread of Thumper. He is a boy. :D

Do you think you will be able to get into a bigger apt. any time soon? I know you don't want your ratties to pass so I hope that this is an option for you. Buns are sooo awesome. :inlove:

I know I've only had Thumper for 3 weeks tomorrow, but I can't see life without him now. He is like my 3rd baby. My boys love him sooo much. I would love another one but I would like to move in the next yr or so and am planning on moving states, so I want to see what my situation is like before I do get another one. That and I am in the process of potty training Thumpy...Life of a human/bunny mom.:wiggle
Hi Shiloh,

I am just catching up on reading RO, and didn't see your intro. until today.

Wow, someone else in Fairbanks. That's where I am too. I have two buns that came from the Anchorage shelter. Karan actually helped me arrange for transport from Anchorage to Fairbanks.

Oh, the Fairbanks shelter has all sorts of buns right now. They actually don't get too many in, but in the past few weeks there have been quite a few:

Well, welcome to the forum. I am glad to see someone else from AK, and Faribanks at that.

Hi E2! Whaddaya know, TWO people from Fairbanks on here! That's awesome that you got your bunnies from Karan, so did TundraKatieBean. So Karan has officially been the one all the Alaskans on here got (or will most likely get) their buns from. I had no idea there were bunnies in the shelter here right now, I guess I need to check more often! I was admiring the baby New Zealands then had a sinking feeling... This summer I worked with a not terribly bright woman who had purchased a pair of New Zealands (siblings) for her son. Over the course of the summer, her son lost interest in them. I know I shouldn't have, but I assumed the bunnies were the same gender since they were living together... they weren't. She came to me one day saying her girl bunny was looking chubby and pulling fur out of her chest and oh she'd seen them mating... Does this mean she's pregnant?! I have the sneaking suspicion these may be her bunnies! The woman was planning on leaving all the rabbits OUTSIDE in hutches all winter, including the little babies! I think about the babies every day. She said she wasn't planning on fixing the parents because she likes baby bunnies. I like baby bunnies too, but jeez! Poor little bunnerkins sitting in the shelter. At least they won't be freezing their bunny buns off outside this winter. She said she had rabbits in the past and kept them outside in Fairbanks, what do you think? Seems mighty dangerous and unpleasant to me!

All those baby bunnies are just precious. They will grow a little bigger than what I'm looking for, but they sure are sweet! I hope they all get great homes. I love their autumny names and the one little brown girl! That other adult male bunny is SO cute, too. He looks super cuddly. Too bad he doesn't have a buddy as I'd like a pair. I am really itching to get bunnies now and not wait until my ratties pass... it's only an issue of space, I certainly have the love and time for bunnies now. I think I might need to go visit these bunnies at the shelter this weekend! I'm also still in love with the pair of lops Katie posted about and am hoping to get a response from Karan about them soon.

Anyway, thanks for saying hi and now I know to check the Fairbanks shelter more frequently! Whenever I've checked in the past there haven't been any bunnies.

What are your bunnies' stories? How long have you lived in Fairbanks?
That is really sad about the buns that overwintered outside in Fairbanks. Actually, it is just downright cruel. We have days colder than -40 F here. Even their water would freeze in just a few minutes.

Well, I guess it is good she gave the rabbits to the shelter. I just hope that someone gets them who knows something about rabbits - like you...The pair of lops that Karan has are adorable too. I agree, those New Zealands will be rather large.

Anyway, I don't think that you would need to worry about space too much, although I haven't seen your apartment! I don't even have a cage for mine. After a fair bit of bunny proofing, they basically just roam the house and are litter box trained. I have had these buns since late May. They seem pretty happy, if not entirely spoiled by now.

I've been in Fairbanks nearly four years. I hope you like it here. It is such a dog town - so many sled dogs everywhere!

Update: We're going to visit the adult male bunny with the spots on Saturday and may take him HOME!!!!

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