excited babies

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Cork, Ireland
When I was checking Ember's babies today they all started squeaking and jumping around as I put my hand in the nest. The nest isn't very deep but covered with loads of fur. Just as I was about to close the hutch I realised that the biggest baby had hopped out of the nest (they are only 5 days old) I tucked him up again but felt really worried that he may be inclined to do that when there is noone to put him back. From what I've heard rabbit mom's don't necessarily carry their young back into the nest?
I haven't seen him out since and I am half afraid to interefere again in case they start going walkabouts.
Is there a time when you should leave them alone? I feel rally bad putting my hand in the nest and they all hop up and down and think mommy is coming and it's just me:(
It is normal and a good sign for the babies to get excited when your hand goes in the nest. It shows that they are being fed well and have lots of energy. Babies that are lethargic and that do not respond when you put your hand in the nest are most likely not getting fed enough as they don't have the energy to jump up and find mom's nipple.

Sometimes babies will also catch a ride on mom's nipple when she's done cleaning. She will hop out of the nest, but the baby won't let go in time an get dragged out of the nest. Having a lip on the nest box can help with that as it will pop the baby off the nipple as mom jumps out of the box.

I would just check a few minutes after having your hand in the nest to make sure no babies got too excited and popped out again.


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