Evil bun

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hutto, Texas, USA
My bunny hates me:(... Today I was feeding herraisins and I started to pet her back. Then she turned, attacked me,and bit me so hard that it broke the skin and made me cry.:XIwas going to bring her out of her cage but now I am afraid to touchher. I am also allergic to rabbits so now I have this big red hive onmy hand.
Awww have you just got her? did you make any fastmoves coz that might be why!! she/he mighjt just me nervouse!! but ithink theres more exspernce people here to help!!
This is the pregnant one? First of all, you saidthat she wasn't completely tame, and then your bred her. You should'vetamed her. By talking sweetly and softly and gently petting her.

Keep the movements slow, since she's pregnant, she'll be having a lotof hormones surging through her body, making her more edgy and "evil"as you put it.

A big pregnant doe took a chunk out of my arm last summer. lol

If she's bred, bet that's your problem. Don't take it personally--she can't help it.:p

We don't actually know if she is preggers sinceeverybody is afraid to touch her to find out... She was good thismorning, let me pet her a little bit and when I went out there to feedshe came out of her box. How should we get her out of the cage forexercise while she is preggers? She is up high in a cage about 4 ft.off the ground, outside.
I'm just afraid that because you bred this poordoe in such a mental state about humans, that the kits will beaffected. Many does may abort or eat their babies while pregnant.You're just going to have to figure something, there's nothing you cando except talk gently to her and pet her. THINK before you breed againplease!
