Everything is becoming fluffed

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
Austin, Texas, USA
Oh my goodness. Is there any way to do something about all this fluff? Who knew that mini-rexes had so much fluff to give off!! Everything in my room is covered in a thin (or not so thin, in places she likes to hang out, like the chair...) layer of white fur. I pet her, and manage to get enough fur off of her to create a small bunny.

I put all the fur together, I could make a giant white Flemmie!

Will it ever stop??? Will she ever stop fluffing??? Is there something I can do to get fluff off of everything I own?? I'm going through 6-8 sheets of lint roller a day, and it's not making a dent. At all. I've even lint-rolled Tippy (she loves it).

Help...next time you see me, I'll look like a giant rabbit!
She's probably shedding right now. Protect your clothes (and anything else you don't want to be covered in a layer of fur) by covering them with a large bedsheet or blanket.

Remember, it's not shedding time until you feel small strands of fur on your toothbrush. =DDD (It only actually happened once.)
It sounds like she is moulting. This is when they totally shed out the coat and grow a new on that is more suited to the season. As the new coat comes in, the old coat is shed out.
How long a moult will last depends on the rabbit. Some might only last a few weeks while others can last months. Diet, conditions in the house and the individual rabbit make the differences.

Brush her daily. This will help get the excess fur off of her. It will keep most of the fur from getting all over the house and keep her from ingesting too much. There are brushes you can get to help with shedding.
For the rest of the house, vacuum daily if you can. Do the areas that are the worst daily and other areas as needed.
Try having an Angora! :p We almost have enough for a few Angora jackets and some matching mittens!

She's so terrified of the vacuum and the hand vac isn't doing the job....I hate having to use it because she freaks out.

I'm brushing and lint rolling (she loves it, it's weird) her every day. But ugh, please make this a short molt!
toyabrooke wrote:
Try having an Angora! :p We almost have enough for a few Angora jackets and some matching mittens!

LOL I was thinking the same thing. Gary (mini rex) is nothing compared to Houdini (angora). Houdini's carpet is constantly covered in fuzz along with everything I own.
Benjamin at 15 pounds could really shed, all over everything. Seen those washable lint rollers advertised on tv. sounds like it may be a good investment, even show them doing the dog with it. Some rabbits shed more than other, and yes I have found rabbit fluff not only in my tooth brush, pillow but also in my food. Good luck
So far, Dobby is the one that sheds a lot. But he's a short hair. Kreacher and Willard only shed a bit so it's not so noticeable. And with Neville, we know the furs definitely there, but we groom him every day so we don't really know yet.

You should have seen when Dobby had his firsts "blow out". I thought he was sick because of the patches of fur missing. But once I saw the spots turn color, I knew everything was ok and new hair was coming back.

It's a pain, but it will go away and become manageable again in time.

K :)
I have washable lint rollers and they are great :)

Speaking of finding things in strange places... I once found hay in my underwear at work! Something was poking me LOL I love my bunnies