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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Ever get the impression that you rabbits are making fun of you when you have your back is turned? I do. :laugh:


That is too cute!!! ROFL Silly bunny should stop being rude and get that tongue back in his itsy bitsy mouth!:nonono:

That made my day, thanks! :D
What a good picture! That is really cool.
These ones aren't very good and the second one doesn't really count as the bunny was licking a bit of banana, but it's the closest I have ever gotten.



I have tons of pictures of her sticking her tongue out. That one was actually accidental. :shock:I was bending down to pick a thistle and put the camera on my knee, well I hit it with my hand and got that picture. My back was litterally turned. :?
:roflmao:What a great shot! (even better that it's accidental :shock:)
Spring wrote:
Hmm.. we need a photo phile on buns sticking their tongues out!:cool:
I have a ton of those, almost entirely of Zoey. For a while it seemed like every picture I took had her tongue sticking out in it.





Hahaha! If only rabbit could talk.. I'm sure some of the stuff from my two would be a few nasty comments about "Mom, you fed me late" or "Mom, my dish isn't completely full, REFILL IT!".. my buns are a bit bratty ;). I'm glad they only give th occasional nip and flick :D.

Hmm.. I'm just wondering if I should start a topic about little buns sticking out their tongues, or a mod might want to?
Spring wrote:
Hmm.. I'm just wondering if I should start a topic about little buns sticking out their tongues, or a mod might want to?
Your wish is my command!:D

I could have sworn that there was one, but now I can't find it. Must have been thinking about the yawn thread.:?
