Ever Dream About Your Rabbits?

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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2012
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Last night I had a dream that my husband and son went out of town and took Agnes with them. I went out of town and took Archie with me. In my dream everything seemed normal, like a good idea! But while on my vacation I remembered....I can't seperate them! Their bond will break!!!

We got back home and Archie and Agnes didn't like each other anymore. I was horrified that I had made such a mistake :)

What a weird dream because first of all we wouldn't go on vacation apart from each other and then each of us take a rabbit!?!?!

What dreams have you had about your buns?
That's so funny, Lisa. Dreams can be so wacky.

My rabbits are in my dreams sometimes too. I just can't remember specifics right now.

I've had dreams of late about moving into a dorm room, still knowing in the dream that I'm married with kids. It all seems so normal in the dream.
I chalk that dream up to the fact that one of my boys just started his 1st yr of college (and is out of state).
Usually if I dream about Q, it's because she's done something like hopped up on the bed and I hear her breathing in my ear or something. Or I'll feel whiskers on my cheek and incorporate them into my dreams. Waking up from a dream that involves bunny to have a bunny sitting on your pillow staring at you is a bit odd, though. She's done it to me, and also to my best friend when she was visiting. Just perched there and stared until she woke up!
I always dream that something bad is happening to mine. Like, if I'm worried about being at my parents house with the dog, I'll dream that he attacks the buns. I think it's my over-protective-mom thing kicking in.

I've also been watching The Walking Dead, and have had dreams about panicking because the world is ending and I can't get to the buns...I'm blocking off the underside of my bed this weekend. ;)
I think this was the last thread I read before I went to bed last night, so I dreamed of rabbits! hahaa.
ALL my dreams were about rabbits.

One of them was, a white bunny with perky ears had ear mites and the back of his neck was really torn up from scratching. I was trying to help it by treating his ear and neck.

The only other one that I remember was, I was a foster mother for a flemmie mommy with 12 kits! I had to keep them until they were old enough to get spayed, and when I got them they were 2 weeks old.
Could y'all imagine 12 baby flemmies in one house?! I was a little stressed out in the dream, but SO happy.
I dream of bunnies all the time, they are normally happy :)

Sometimes I wonder if I have a connection to the rainbow bridge when I am sleeping. I frequently dream of all of my pets, present and past, happily playing with me in a beautiful garden. I know it is not a real place because it will have roses blooming with crocus with dahlias etc. Flowers and greens everywhere! The buns are nomming on all sorts of things and everyone is so happy. They take turns getting carried around and the others follow along or play. I wake feeling so peaceful and a contentment.
Great topic, Lisa! Brandy, what a beautiful dream! I think you are plugged into to the Rainbow Bridge.

I used to dream about Scout all the time. In some, she was just present as other things were going on. Some were really happy...just holding her and snuggling. Some were scary--dreams of her getting out by accident and me trying to find her, etc. I had my first dream about Harvey and Halo last night but I can't quite remember it...
Interesting dream stories by everyone. Dreams have always fascinated me!! And they seem so real sometimes! I was so relieved to realize that i hadn't separated Agnes and Archie, lol.
I had a of baby bunnies and bringing them home the night Olivia passed away....

I also had a dream about Gracie the night I brought her home. I had a dream that I kept her outside in a hutch and my dig got into the hutch and attacked her (im guessing it was a fear because of Gracie's story). But it was weird, because I never kept Olivia outside. I would never keep any of my bunnies outside. Gracie's hutch is in the dining room.

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