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My Friends Doe who just had babies 5/ 31 has comedown with Enteritis ( sp ?) runny slimy poopsmucus etc, we have her started on antibioticsandhavecleaned her up as best we can.

I have herhere withme and8 of the 12 kitswell actuallyIhaveall 12kits but4are being fostered. They are inquarantineaswe speak,no chances taken here,rubbergloves etc. Iamaskingwhat elsewecan dotill the Vetgetsin in themorning. I took away all pellets, gave her tons ofhay andwillbegiving herrolledoatsshortly.

Here iswhereI believethe problemstarted: Mini Lop, 12babies 2 days agoweatherwentfrom 40's tonearly 80today. She is the only oneshowingthis stress, but then againshe isthe only onewhojustkindled. Iam treatingforflies as wespeakdon'tneed that issue rightnowalong with the Diarrhea. Any ideas or anyhelpisgreatly appreciated.
Oh will the bad news never stop today?This poor momma. I think you are doing everything youcan. Just try to keep her hydrated.

I think I am goingto blame the dangweather on todays rashof Illnesses , this is gettinginsane , Poor Mama bunny isholding her own right now poor thingwe have thrown everything down herthrroat but the kitchen sink andtub poor thing. one good signshe is drinking on her own for thetime being , I am goingdown in a bit to check on her . I dobelieve this is going to be onelong night.

On top of the 12 kits Ialso have a kit from anotherlitter who is showing signs ofblindness at 4 weeks ,. head tipped backto see , hops around in acircle trying to find stuff ,as long as she is contained to abox she exhibits no signs ofillness, she sits quietlywith head in normal position , openher cage and she tipsher head back as far as possable trying to see .The only good thing about todayhas been she isnt presentingany sign of head tilt, Fromwhat i have been told thisdispaly with her head only started afterthe eyes opened , andOne other kit from a previous litter wasalso born blind ,

Theres vetting for boththe Doe and this Kittomorrow , Im hoping for somegood news for a changewhen we return .

Rowena :!!! Thank You so muchfor that wonderfull web site, I learned many good things tonight, I would suggestEVERYONE go to it and have a lookaround , Its awsome !!!!
Alright, I'm posting it here too.Today has to end, the bad news must stop. Really how muchmore can we take? We are a family here and this family hasbeen hit so hard today. It's time for positive, healingthoughts, both physical and spiritual. Tomorrow will be abetter day, it just has to be.

Gypsy: I'm going to send some healing thoughts and prayers to that doe,her babies and your baby. And good thoughts for a good reportfrom the vet tomorrow.

The kits probably have a genetic defect. :(

As for the doe, neomyacin sulphate will clear the M.E right up. You canget that right at tsc tracor supply. Dry tail from the petstore alsoworks.

For the neo, you can take a small small pinch of it, and mix it with asmallamount of water. Then surringe feed the mixture to her. I'd dothis every half hour till it clears up. Then once she back to eatingand drinking on her own again, mix a teaspoon of the noe and mix itwith a gallon of water. Give it to her for about five days. Also offerher non chemical trated grass to keep her gut stimulated.

Ive used vet medications for M.E before. The Noe, and the dry tail workmuch better. Dry tail is a liquid noemyacin mix. You can mixthat with water and give it to her every half hour like the powderedmixture.
Thanks somuch Guys At 9 whenhte vet opens I will be therewith her I am thinking a Iv Dripis going to beneeded right nowshe lost more weight over nightand refuses the waterbottle and it was a stuggle toget her to take watervia syeringe this morning , but Iam determined , I did manage to get 3good serynge fulls down her soI am hoping it holds her till Ican see the vet ,

Unfortunately up here we done havea Tractor Supply butI know the petstoreslocally have " Dry Tail " I have hadto use that before fora hampster , so Iwill be getting that also .Im just not sure whyI didnt think of it before ,weird when someone elsesbabies get sick weknow what to do ,what to get etc , but when Itsour turn We seem toDraw blanks Again ThanksEveryone Its great ly appreciated.

The Doe seems tobe over the hump . ThanksDixon the Dry Tail didthe job the watery poohas stopped but the issue nowis gettingher to eat and drink. I did notice she ispeeing but i think that due inpart to the fact I keepshoving Electrolites down her throat ,The main thing is now when Ifli[ her and start with the fluids she is atleast struggling to right herself and is finally giving me agood Butting when I am donelol, But she is a trooper andis doing so much better . But Ifear if she doesnt get bettersoon we are going to lose thewhole nest of kits , theylooked kinda thin this morningand afternoon , but I am stillholding ot she will perk up more.


this is the little girl who hasher head tipped back to be ableto see or sense something

It took Corky a few days to starteating/drinking on his own...I think I syringe fed for 3-4days.....she'll come around on that..I did alot of enticing with thingshe liked...greens etc....and fed alot of those the first few days tokeep him eating...doc said that was better than not eating atall....then when I knew he was eating those well I backed off to forcehim more to pellets.
I didnotice tonight wehn i went down to giveher one last round of electrolites thatshe had managed to nibble on her pellets, there 20 % crude fiber so thats a bitof a plus PoorGirl saw me comingand imediatley gave me theBUTT and hid her nose in thecorner lol , Had she not beenso seriously and scarey Ill for the last 3days I would havelaughed at her antics , butshe has been a trooper , and< gag > I know just hownasty Pepto is <gagging again > , I amthinking as long as she is nibbling onpellets and shows me somepoops she can go home toher Mommy . Oh Ya almost forgot, She has absolutely no good usefor the Vanilla lol Iput a couple drops in theelectrolites as I am so fearfullof fly strike right now , mixed itin good and proceeded to feeedit to her LMAO HEReyes popped open Like What theheck you doing to me woman LOL, but she let mefinish what I was doing to her lol. But I alsogot the biggest Butt sofar LOL>!
She'll come to realize its for her own good...Iknow Corky sure did anyway!! He was already a major cuddlebug and very loving...now I get constant kisses...and can do anythingto him at all...he's more than 100% trusting of me....crazy!!!

Glad to hear she's starting to eat a bit!!! I bet it did you alot ofgood to see that! I almost cried the first time Corky started to eat onhis own!!
Im laughing so hard atthe moment becausethe chickens are just acrossed theway and thought I hadtotally lost what little mind I had leftlol , I was jumping up and down ,Praising her tellin her what agood bunny she wasand how happy i was tosee she had eaten something, I could almost seethe chickens whispering , Poorole broad done totally lost her mindthis time lol , they were standing overthere cluckiing away and shaking theirheads I swear lol .
LOL! I love the visual that creates...I STILLtell Corky what a good boy he is when he eats, and that was 3, almost 4weeks ago now..(geesh, has this been goin on that long!) and when Iwent to see him after his surgery and he ate for me, I almost criedthen too!!

Yep, we're a mess...but in a good way!!!!! :angel:
If the babies are eating on their own you mighthave to take a chance of weaning them early. or fostering them for afew days till they start eating on their own. If that doe was real bad,chances are she's already dried up by now.

Did you try the grass blades? If you can get her to eat those, then she'll make a faster recovery.

With the baby, maybe its best that you put her down. Its sounds morelike a nuerlogical problem. Could possibly be wry neck too.

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