Enriching Your Bunnies Lives

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Ok after noticing in the last week how much my boys have really calmed down, I decided it probably wasn't a good thing.

They used to run for hours, dig under anything they could (even if it annoyed me), chew on everything, toss things, etc. but now I put them in their runs, they do a bunky, them lay down somewhere for the rest of the day. I know a lot of it is age has just calmed them down but I worry about the quality of their lives.

I try my best to give them lots of toys but they soon get bored (even when I switch them out).

Anyways, I want to know how everyone enriches their bunnies lives. So post what you do here! I don't mean toy ideas, I mean things that encourage natural behaviours. I've tried putting food around their runs but they don't bother looking, even when I haven't fed them yet.

So far I took a few bottles and put varying sized holes in them. Then I filled it with all kinds of dried fruit (we dried it so there is no added anything). I gave it to Mocha and he pushed it around, I'm going to give another to Spice right away.
Were they just neutered? Neutering can slow down their activity rate.

Has the temperature increased in the last week? I know the heat has been rising where I live and my bunnies are not as active. They just like to lie on their cool tiles.

Are they eating/drinking normally? Any major changes in the last week?

I'm not a bunny expert, but I would take those into consideration.
No, they were neutered 2 years ago.

I didn't mean there has been a sudden decrease in energy, I mean that I just noticed it becausegot my baby and how energetic she is.

I don't want them sitting around all day doing nothing, I want them to engage in activites that they normally would to make them happier and healthier.
Do they have digging boxes? Outside ones can be sand and inside you can use newspaper or shredded paper. These keep mine busy for hours.


Have you tried moving things around?The food bowl moves over here, the hidey hole over there...Especially with the boxes and such to hide in, I've found that minewill practice running in and out of them when they are new or have beenmoved.
My cage only works one way, otherwise it becomes too crammed for them to comfortably stay in.

My boys are outside and have outside runs. I have digging boxes butthere is not enough room in their cages for somehting liek that.
Are their nails too long? I had thesame thing going on with my buns. I clip their nails once (ortwice) a month, right after I clipped last time, the binkysbegan! Also, is it hot and or humid where you are?And I also noticed that they are more likely to be much more activeearly in the morning and late at night...

Have you changed their diets lately?
How old are they? I've noticed that Chompers hasmellowed out a lot since I got him a couple years ago. He was 2 1/2- 3then, so he's "middle aged" now I think.

I know what you mean though, Abby and Valuran are younger, and theyboth run around, play, and spend a lot of time outside of the cage.Chompers prefers to just laze about, although he loves to dig and doesthat often.
It's not that I'm worried about them beingcalmer, I just worry that they are going to develop bad habits frombeing bored (Mocha already is a bad chewer on wire which I think couldbe solved with more hours spent actively involved in activities). Notonly is it important to keep a rabbit physically fit but mentally too.

They are not even 2.5 years old yet. There nails are well trimmed, nosudden change in feed or attitude. They still binky but only once ortwice then they plop themselves down for the rest of the day. It's beencooler here but not cold, this is probably a very comfortabletemperature for lots of running around.

I just want them to be more involved to stimulate them.

How about an old phone book to shred?Sampson loves his. I also have a couple of cardboard boxeswith shredded paper in them. Some of them like to dig inthose. I've found that Corky really loves them.

I second the grass or maize mats.
I find that our rabbits love to interact withhumans and are more prone to run around if we are with them.When we leave the room, they will sometimes follow, and when we aregone I don't hear much movement. Then I get back and they arelaying around, but get up to play upon me entering. I like tolay on the floor and read or such, they will then come over once inawhile and prod at me or climb on me. I will then poke backby lightly tweeking their tails, noses, and paws. This tendsto get them to prod me back even more (I think they enjoy it becausethey rarely run away and they never bat, nip, or grunt at me.In fact they will sometimes just sit there and sniff my hand as Ilightly hold a front paw)

I, like Mr. Stee, lay on the floor with mybun. He gets so happy thinking I'm a giant rabbit orsomething. He follows me when I leave the room, so it seemsthat he's a major extrovert. He is my only rabbit; I thinkthat if I had another rabbit, he wouldn't be so prone to attachinghimself to me.
nose_twitch wrote:
I, like Mr. Stee, lay on the floor with my bun. Hegets so happy thinking I'm a giant rabbit or something. Hefollows me when I leave the room, so it seems that he's a majorextrovert. He is my only rabbit; I think that if I hadanother rabbit, he wouldn't be so prone to attaching himself tome.
I totally agree, nose twitch! Since I've rebondedmy buns after their spay & neuter, they seem to be the bestestfriends, which is great. But sometimes I think they like eachother more than me. :( My male still attaches to meand follows me and gives the bunny kisses, but my girl, not so much...
I went out and got Buster, Tucker, and Emma bigempty boxes. I cut a door, and widows, and folded the top and bottomshut. I put a towel in there for them to lay on, and move around. Theyall LOVED it! They thought it was just the best thing ever!Busterespecialy went crazy inside! He binkied for hours about it! LOL!

I also went and bought, builders tubes. They are sold at home depot,and look like giant paper towel rolls. Lay them on the floor, andBuster and Tucker run through them!

Tucker likes plastic cups. We put veggies on the floor and put theupside down cup over top. He knocks the cups over and gets his veggiesurprise!

Emma LOVES blankets! She makes nests out of them, cuddles, and digs them! I always staighten it out, and she messes it up!

They all also have a TON of toys! We order them from thihs company!http://www.americancart.us/pet_rabbit_toys/
They have an AWESOME selection of toys! and all my bunns LOVE them! Especially the sisal toys!

Hope this helps!


Kricket wrote:
Itotally agree, nose twitch! Since I've rebonded my buns aftertheir spay & neuter, they seem to be the bestest friends, whichis great. But sometimes I think they like each other morethan me. :( My male still attaches to me andfollows me and gives the bunny kisses, but my girl, not somuch...
Awww, I'm sure they love you just as much. But yeah, as muchas I want to get another rabbit, I not sure I'll do it because "I am ajealous owner, and thou shalt have no other rabbits before me!" (Nottoo mention that two rabbits means double trouble)

nose_twitch wrote:
I, like Mr. Stee, lay on the floor with my bun. Hegets so happy thinking I'm a giant rabbit or something. Hefollows me when I leave the room, so it seems that he's a majorextrovert. He is my only rabbit; I think that if I hadanother rabbit, he wouldn't be so prone to attaching himself tome.
Actually, we have two and our first rabbit, who has always been lovingand needy, is still rather loving and needy. She likes tojump on my back and lick my clothes. Sometimes she gets alittle upset if I leave her while she is playing. She's notthe same as she was, but that's a good thing! Mocha needed somuch attention and loving that I felt awful leaving her alone in a cagemost of the day. I adopted Loki exactly one month after shewas spayed. Now she's gets loving from two humans and onebunny and she seems pretty satisfied.
When you give them cardboard boxes, is it okayfor them to chew on the ones that have color on them? Like acereal box for example?
Look for a symbol that says "printed with soyink." This is safe and very common. In general,food products can not be packaged in anything with toxic properties, sothe ink should not harm your rabbits.

Having said that, take any paper product away if they are eating largeamounts of it. Chewing and shredding cardboard is okay, buteating large amounts might cause an intestinal blockage. Mineseem to like the taste of certain pieces and will eat it for severalminutes at a time, so I have to take it away.

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