Hi there, we have a bunny from a store that sells them as feeders. She's about 6 weeks old, and two pounds.
She's been on a diet of timothy hay (as much as she wants), romaine lettuce (as much as she wants) and pellets (a cup or so a day).
We also made the mistake of feeding her 'rabbit food' from petco that had corn, sunflower seeds and colored bits mixed in with the pellets.
Her bedding is that blue puffy soft paper mulch, her toilet is shredded paper.
Well, we'd noticed her stomach getting bigger almost from day one. Then two days ago, the night after eating a bowl of that bad petco rabbit food, she was behaving strangely, and her stomach seemed big and tight as a drum. A few hours later she was running into walls, and her head was listing and body totally limp.
No vets were available so we rubbed her tummy for 3 hours. Gas escaped and feces.
Happy to say she was back to normal, her stomach deflated and very energetic.
She's been on the following diet to recouperate:
Wet, mashed pellets to curb liver damage and give nutrients
As much romaine as she wants, soaked in water for hydration and roughage
As much hay as she wants â roughage
But I've noticed her stomach bulging again. (it always seems to happen over night!)
The thing is, she has a healthy appetite, is running around the house. She is defecating, but mostly clusters and a few pelets. It seems soft. She is also urinating alot, probably due to the large amount of water she's taking.
Today her stomach seemed firm and bloated, so I gave her some simethicone (1cc) followed by 4 or 5 ccs of water. She's eating hungrily, I'm rubbing her stomach, I hear it gurgling loudly, she's leaving pellets and urinating, but the swelling isn't going down and I don't hear gas escaping. Its been like this for a while.
I can't get her to the vet for 3 days when he's back in the office. Any advice? Anything else I could be doing?
The only thing different from what she was eating at the store was lettuce, should we cut that out?
She's been on a diet of timothy hay (as much as she wants), romaine lettuce (as much as she wants) and pellets (a cup or so a day).
We also made the mistake of feeding her 'rabbit food' from petco that had corn, sunflower seeds and colored bits mixed in with the pellets.
Her bedding is that blue puffy soft paper mulch, her toilet is shredded paper.
Well, we'd noticed her stomach getting bigger almost from day one. Then two days ago, the night after eating a bowl of that bad petco rabbit food, she was behaving strangely, and her stomach seemed big and tight as a drum. A few hours later she was running into walls, and her head was listing and body totally limp.
No vets were available so we rubbed her tummy for 3 hours. Gas escaped and feces.
Happy to say she was back to normal, her stomach deflated and very energetic.
She's been on the following diet to recouperate:
Wet, mashed pellets to curb liver damage and give nutrients
As much romaine as she wants, soaked in water for hydration and roughage
As much hay as she wants â roughage
But I've noticed her stomach bulging again. (it always seems to happen over night!)
The thing is, she has a healthy appetite, is running around the house. She is defecating, but mostly clusters and a few pelets. It seems soft. She is also urinating alot, probably due to the large amount of water she's taking.
Today her stomach seemed firm and bloated, so I gave her some simethicone (1cc) followed by 4 or 5 ccs of water. She's eating hungrily, I'm rubbing her stomach, I hear it gurgling loudly, she's leaving pellets and urinating, but the swelling isn't going down and I don't hear gas escaping. Its been like this for a while.
I can't get her to the vet for 3 days when he's back in the office. Any advice? Anything else I could be doing?
The only thing different from what she was eating at the store was lettuce, should we cut that out?