Elvis isn't eating well

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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
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Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
I didn't want to post about this yesterday, witheverything else going on, I thought it was a little trivial andhonestly, maybe it still is...

Anyway, Elvis hasn't been eating very well lately. I've beenattributing it to the heat, but it hasn't been that hot the last fewdays. I fed him Sunday morning and have been so busy the last2 days, I never made it in there until last night. Hispellets were still completely full. He hadn't touchedthem. His water bottle was also full. And he hasn'tpooped or peed much.

I gave him fresh water and some pumpkin. He ate the pumpkinand drank a little water. I just called my mom to check himand she said he's eaten some pellets andabout 1/2 of hiswater. She also said there are some poops in his litter box(I cleaned it last night).

He is otherwise acting normally, so I don't know what to think, but I'm worried.

If it's something like this I'd suggest calling your vet and maybe making an appointment. Better safe than sorry, right?
Good that he's eaten a lil and things are movingthru. I'd maybe try some oats in the pellets to enticehim...maybe some NutriCal...and keeping a REAL close eye on him and ifit doesn't get better, have him checked out. I was told by Dr Mark thatonce a bunnies system shuts down its almost impossible to get itstarted again. So if he stops eating totally, get him syringefed and into the vet ASAP!

Good luck and please keep us updated, sending good thoughts and prayers!
Hi Jen,

Parsley can promote an appetite. I'd give him some NutriCal as well.Keep with the pumpkin, and if you can get him to eat a piece of freshpineapple, go for it.

As you know, make sure he stays hydrated - most importantly. Let himget his exercise so that if it is a fur block, he can work it out.

It's a good sign that he's pooping. If his poops are black and small,that's a sign that he could be going into GI Stasis. Therefore, I'dkeep with the treatment of canned pumpkin and NutriCal and a bit offresh pineapple juice just to be on the safe side. Papaya has beenknown to help some rabbits as well. If you do get the papaya tablets,make sure they contain no sugar.

Best of Lucky with our little guy. I'll send Buck over to you to help him out.

Thanks everyone for your help. Itotally forgot that I gave him Nutri-Cal last night. He HATEDit. It was an ordeal just to get him to let me put it on hisfoot. He had it everywhere and meanwhile Basil was trying tobite me to get some. He had licked it all off this morning.

I'm not heading home until about 10, but I'll give him a good checkingover then. I'm praying he's just in a snit. When Iadopted Abby, Angel gave me a 5 gal bucket of Blue Seal Bunny 16 food,I mixed it with my Blue Seal Show Hutch Deluxe and Elvis has beenpicking out the Show Hutch Deluxe and only eating that.

He'll get more pumpkin tonight. I have to stop at the storeand pick some more up. I'll smear on some more Nutri-Caltoo. He absolutely will not drink pineapple juice.

I just got home from work, and he ate most ofhis pellets, but not all. He has some poops, but not as manyas I'd like to see. I'm going to give him until I get hometomorrow afternoon and then call my vet if I think it's necessary

In general, my buns are more willing to downveggies quickly than pellets or hay. Entice Elvis with hisfavorite fruits and veggies. That way when he eats them,it'll pave the way in his intenstines (so to speak) for pellets andhay. Also try giving him pineapple or canned pumpkin, whichcleans out the digestive tract.
He's doing a little better today. Heseems to be eating pretty nicely. I'm still giving himpumpkin because his poops are still small. I'm concernedabout GI Stasis at this point. I actually brought him to workwith me today so I could watch him. He's been hoppingaroundmy office all day. He's all flopped out rightnow. He had some pellets, veggies and pumpkin. He'snot really eating his hay, but he's never really been into the hay.

Does anyone have the link to Carolyn'sthread about Tucker having Stasis? I can't seem to find it.

I'm glad that Elvis is still active.If he wasn't, I'd be very, very worried. You're such a goodbunny parent, taking him into work!
I was worried about the stress he would have coming to work, but he seems fine here. He's a good boy.

I found Carolyn's post. I'm going to read it when I have time today.

You need to take him to the vet and have his teeth checked.

Oh, I know how to check teeth.Managing a pet store, I've been taught a lot of things by vetsincluding how to check teeth alignment and for molar spurs.His teeth are good. But thanks for the thought. Iactually thought of that first, and the teeth are ok.

He's doing ok. He went to work with metoday, but he did really well there. I ended up being thereso much longer then planned. I was supposed to be home hoursago and I've just gotten him settled. He's acting fairlynormally, but his poops are still smaller then I want them tobe. I'm still giving the pumpkin and Nutri-Cal. Ifigure as long as he's eating, he's doing ok. I'm going tocall my vet tomorrow and make him an appointment. I just lovehim and he has to be ok.

He has to be fine. Tell the little guy Isaid so. I'm glad he's eating. Keep us posted please. I know you are sobusy lately. I will pray for you and Elvis.

Tina: Thanks so much. He has to befine and I've informed him of that. I will tell him you saidso too. He needs to know. I'm going to move himinto my room tomorrow so I can watch him all the time and he will onlyhave Sampson to deal with. I really think those 2 could begood buddies.


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