Eli - Gurlgling Stomach

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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I've ntoiced that since I brought Eli home lastnight from the vet that his stomach is gurgling quite loud. Is itsomething to be concerned about? I've never heard either of the otherboys or Eli have such sounds until now.

He is quite happy, binkying and playing. He's eating, drinking and pooping.
I just found a site with information aboutgurgling stomachs-- it could be gas. I read that it says toget an infant Simethicone as a precation and give it to the rabbit inintervals to dissolve any gas. It also said it was safe to use as aprecaution.
Some rabbits have this more thanothers. It is not really bad if they don't havepoopproblems associated with it. It can be gas or just theintestines working. just keep an eye on the output. Most of the time it will stop in a few hours.

Well it had been going on for 12 hours alreadyso I treated him with Simethicone and it seems to have stopped thismorning. But my parents think I'm nuts!
You're not nuts at all! It can be veryuncomfortable for the little guy. Giving him some simethicone was theperfect thing to do.

Good Job!


P.S. Even if it wasn't gas, the simethiconewouldn't've caused him any problems. Just try to remember if there wasa treat you could've given him that could've caused it.

That little Eli sure has given you a run for your money when it comesto health. He's such a sweetheart though, and so very grateful and inlove with you.
I hadn't given him anything. There is an illnesscalled Ileus in rabbits that can be brought on by stress and has thesame symptoms as a gasy bunny would have. Since it started the night wecame back from teh vet, I have a sneaking suspicion that was what itwas. It's treated the same was as gas -- with tummy rubs andsimethicone.
:) Had the same problem with Cookie a coupledays ago and since have bought pediatric Simethicone, Pedialyte andsome other things. The lady at the drug store was like "Oh,does your baby have gas?" I just looked at her and said "No,my bunny does". I got a wierd look. Almost like theone I got form my boyfriend when I came home with my loot.

hee hee.
My mom went and picked up the simethicone for meand the Pharmasist said, "that colic in babies can be bad, hey?" andmom replied with, "it's not for a baby, it's for a rabbit" and laughed.

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