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Elf Mommy

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Elven Grove, Florida, USA
Some pictures in honor of Elf's Birthday. My lil' "Christmas Elf" is now 3 years old. :D

Chilling out by my desk.

Ooooo she left the door open! I could go in there!

You can pet me forever....and ever....and ever.... and ever


Not as cute as Ivory's big face/ear shot, but take a LOOK at those WHISKERS!

heavy supervision, Kirby and Elf

Really, Mom, we're not doing anything but sniffing!


Lil reminder that I needed to trim her nails today hehe...but I love this look on her.

But I wanna play!

I was too close, but it was so cute.

Kirby ran to get his green ball.

I have no idea what this expression means, but she looks so fluffy!


Running to Dad for some pets.

Enough with the pictures woman!


I love my fluff ball


Kirby SO wanted Elf to play today.

What about a game of ball?

Kirby tossed Elf his ball...I know it's blurry, but let's just say, Elf was NOT impressed.

you're right...not quite as cute as Ivory


but still pretty cute :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELF!!! nowremember, on your birthday, mommy has to do *whatever* you say!

Happy Birthday Elf! Those pictures werepriceless. She looks a lot like my bunny Ben. What kind of a bun isElf? She is gorgeous whatever she is. I love her big dewlap. Your BoxerKirby is very handsome. My next dog will be a Boxer I think although Iheard that they have a lot of issues with chewing, depends on the dogand the owner I suppose. Once again, Happy Birthday to you Elf! Youdon't look a day past One!

Fergi's mom
Fergi wrote:

Happy Birthday Elf! Those pictures werepriceless. She looks a lot like my bunny Ben. What kind of a bun isElf? She is gorgeous whatever she is. I love her big dewlap. Your BoxerKirby is very handsome. My next dog will be a Boxer I think although Iheard that they have a lot of issues with chewing, depends on the dogand the owner I suppose. Once again, Happy Birthday to you Elf! Youdon't look a day past One!

Fergi's mom

Elf is a pet store Palomino--which basically means there might beanything mixed in there.When her winter coat came in thisyear it has a far greater amount of black ticking than I have ever seenher have. I don't know if that's an indicator of a cold winter, if it'sjust something that's going to happen as she gets older, or maybe itmeans there's another breed in there just dying to come out.

This is my first experience with a boxer. I've mostly had BostonTerriers. I also had a Rott/Lab mix. Kirby is a gorgeous dog. I lovehis coloring. What is hard to deal with is the constant licking. Itjust never seems to stop. He is 8 months old now and the chewing oneverything phase is calming down quite a bit. He will still rip uppaper if we leave it on the floor, so it's important to pick everythingup for him. I'm sure you can see lil bits of paper on the floor inthese pictures, even though we sweep up often.

He's also very bouncy. I hear that doesn't end for male boxers untilthey're around 2 or 3 years old. We're working really hard on leashmanners right now. He wants to stand and greet people walking past us,and a dog that's almost as tall as I am on his hind legs can be alittle intimidating. I'm teaching him that me stopping means he sits.It's slow going, but I'm getting some exercise anyway.

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