well, i did get one for x-mas and i love the thing!
i haven't had much chance to try it out, but so far we have made:
apple juice (tastes like a mix between cider and juice)
fresh orange juice
tomatoe and celery (yuck! it was my fist day and i didn't have anything else to juice)
grape (very good, but needs something sweet added to it, like apple)
cantelope (yum. . .i am addicted now. . . soo good)
i just bought 2 little seedless watermelons i am trying tomorrow, more apples, and more grapes. . .
i can't wait to try pears, peaches, carrots (i love plain carrot juice, guess it is the rabbit in me), and i want to juice some lemons to make homemade lemonade
i had wanted one for a long time, so i am happy that i finally have one. it is noisy, that is really my only problem, but we have found that if you put a dishtowel under it, then it makes it a little quieter. i like the fact that i can make natural juice without added sugar as i am a big juice drinker and am trying to lose weight for my sister's wedding.
i would reccommend the jack lalane's power juicer, that is the one i wanted and will run about $100, i got this one for x-mas, but my mom's friend had a juicer that she had bearly used and didn't want, so i returned mine and kept hers (i am broke, so any chance for money i take). and i will admit that if you are always in a rush and hate cleanup then they can get old fast, but i have only used mine a handfull of times and i have a good system for cleanup already. the trick is the clean it the minute you are done (or else it becomes a sticky mess from the juice)
i will find out what brand mine is tomorrow!