Eating paper

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Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Malden, Massachusetts, USA
Hi :)

Emma loves to chew paper and cardboard, but I'm always afraid she'll swallow it, or too much of it, and that it's bad for her. Is this accurate? (Emma is our first bunny!)
If she eats a lot, it's not good. A bit is fine. Some bunnies just like to chew on these things and rip them up, but not eat them, which is even better.
Yesterday I found a newspaper that was beautifully shredded into long thin strips. Cloud had been a busy boy :D He was just enjoying the paper, but hadn't eaten it.

Maybe watch her and see what she does because I agree that eating lots os not good, but a little is ok (for a bun with an average and healthy gut). I guess if you can see she is chewing and not eating then that's ok.
I use paper as my bunnies bedding and they eat it some times and it really hasn't affected them that much.

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