Nancy McClelland wrote:
The figures above are the ideal to shoot for. Our Vet feels that you shouldn't give a rabbit any pellets--only hay and fresh vegetable. Others say pellets by themselves are just fine. Most, however from our investigation prefer the bulk being hay with pellet and fresh vegetables to supplement.
Hi, I have come on this forum searching for this imformation and can't believe I've found it this quickly.
Soon after getting my 3rd rabbit I have stopped giving her pellets completly. To start with I was just doing it because they gave her dierea but 2 days has ran into 2weeks!
But she seems so happy and has gone from 1.25 kilo at 7 weeks to 1.4 at 9 weeks.
So i'm guessing her diet is good as it is.
She is have lots of hay, lots! about 4-5 carrots and 2 wheatabix a day. Plus she has fruit twigs and a little dried out bread for a treat.
One thing I have noticed is that the poo of my other two pellet eating rabbits is almost black and there urine is stinky yet my bun not on pellets has very light brown poos and you can't smell the urine.
Any help or suggestion welcome