Band is usually part of the regular schedule, but many do have extra practise. Some schools divide the classes into grade or instrument (woodwinds, brass, etc). The before school practise is to get everyone together and work on just playing. Class is more to learn the music, tempo and other theory stuff.
Our band teacher didn't do that. Every other day for us a spare
All we had to do was show up and then we do what ever we wanted.
Classes you have to take here to graduate are:
Grade 10 gym
We didn't have to take Gym after 9. It realy wasn't gym as they went out did activities out side the school.
grade 11 science and math
We had to have English every year.
grade 12 English and social studies.
We did History grade 12
You have to take other grade 12 level courses, get a minimum of
100 credits, have the CALM (career and life management) course as well as some other classes that are not set.
We didn't have that.
There are a variety of options you can take, but some classes are needed to graduate, while others are more to get the needed credits.
I know some people who had enough credits in grade 11 (mostly due to band classes), but needed the right courses.
Glad I don't have to figure out what classes I need anymore.