Ear Mites

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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, , USA
Taffy's got ear mites-Having outside bunnies we've dealt with them before, but I'm just curious if there's something better than mineral oil for me to use. That's what we've used before but that was years ago when we had our first bunny and didn't know a whole lot about them. Just curious if somethings better-oh, and if just mineral oil, do I just use it once? I put some on yesterday but I can't remember if in the past when we dealt with mites we applied it more than once.
~Mia and the Taffers
Mineral oil is old school. Even in the vet assistant, vet tech and vet schools the students are now taught not to touch mineral oil for ears. Its not really something you want going down your ear canals.

Use a proper drug to rid of the mites (ivermectin, selamectin, etc) as well as a good ear cleanser from the vets. This will help to alter the ph of the ear as well to make it a inhospitable environment for yuckies.
Watermelons wrote:
Mineral oil is old school. Even in the vet assistant, vet tech and vet schools the students are now taught not to touch mineral oil for ears. Its not really something you want going down your ear canals.

Use a proper drug to rid of the mites (ivermectin, selamectin, etc) as well as a good ear cleanser from the vets. This will help to alter the ph of the ear as well to make it a inhospitable environment for yuckies.

That's just what I was wondering. :expressionless

So what type of ivermectin do I need? The paste? I saw I think a paste and a box. Is it given orally? How much is the dosing? I've never used it though Charlie and Ripley's breeders have mentioned it alot before and I've heard of lots of people using it.

I'd really like to avoid a vet visit as we've already done lots with that lately ($70 today just for fecal tests for both buns on top of a recent visit for Ripley, a fecal then and meds). Would we need a visit for the ear cleanser or could we just get it from them (the vet)?
You can buy ear cleaner from any vet or pet store without an Rx or at least should be able to.

We use the injectable ivermectin purchased at any tractor supply company or feed store. We put 1-2 drops in the affected ear and only retreat the next week if needed. One does usually takes care of them. Also watch your other animals as they can infest them also.
I dont know about the ivermectin, I use revolution. But I believe alot of others have used ivermectin and should be able to help you with that.

Ear cleanser you can just walk into any vet and buy. No appointment necessary. If they tell you otherwise, id be heading to another vets. I dont know if the ear cleaners in pet stores do as good of a job, look for one that talks about changing the ph of the ear.
Do you need a vet appointment to get Revolution? Where can I get it? Could I just pick it up from the vet?

I'm going to the vet in a few days anyway for something so I can get the ear cleanser while I'm at it.

Sarah-so is the injectable invermectin the like $40 one or what does it run about cost wise? There were a few different ones and I didn't know the difference.
When Sweetie had ear mites when Prince passed away, I had to do the mineral oil for 3 weeks. That is how long the mites live, that is their life cycle.
Depends on the vet, you SHOULD need an appointment to get revolution, but theres always a few vets out there that are willing to sell it over the counter with no appointment, you just have to phone around.

Try not to use mineral oil ;)

Rmember to deal with the environment as well.
Maybe I'll talk to the vet and see what they think. Yeah, I know mineral oil isn't the best choice, but at this point we're really trying to avoid lots of visits if we can avoid it. Then on the other hand, the injectable invermectin for $48-for that I might as well just take her to the vet.
phone around for the revolution, youll want to do at least 2-3 doses 2 weeks apart, at a dose of 18mg/kg or 8mg/lb.
Maybe you can find a vet that will dispense 1or2 tubes of a large dog size of revolution with no appointment, but you will have to phone around.
Around here there are probably hundreads of vets but only a handfull that will break the rules and sell the revolution, might just take some searching.
Try craigslist? somebody may be willing to sell you a tube of theirs?
Well I'll check around and see~
Just a question, now dawning on me. I was reading something that said ear mites cause dark brown debris in the ear. With Taffy, it looks just like I guess whiteish Dandruffy kind of stuff. Would that be mites or just dead skin? In the past when I've seen that in their ears I considered it mites and used the mineral oil. After I read that though, I was curious if its nothing. Maybe though it. I'm never sure abotu these things.
Depends on the type of mite, might not be ear mites in the sense or nasty brown stinky stenchy gross gunkys but another kind of mite that really likes the ears. Alot of mite issues look like simple dry skin, but its always just to do something kind of "just in case".

Easiest way to tell would be to take a sample and check under a microscope to know for sure, but that would mean a vet visit, probably easier to just dose the medication. But it's up to you. Maybe taffy does just have try skin but we need to know what it is, and its easier to treat with revoltuion if theres nothing there vs not do anything and let an issue get worse if it is mites.
There's an animal welfare league not too far away-would that maybe be a good way of getting revolution? I know they have it for dogs and cats to get it there.

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