Ear Issues

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New Member
Jun 22, 2011
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Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
I have a young male lop who has had a scaly inner ear for about 2 months.
I finally took him to the vet after trying natural approaches like neem oil solution, aloe, olive oil, noni, etc. with no luck.

The vet gave him a dose of revolution (?) and some antibiotics as he had scratched a raw spot on his outer ear.

Now its been two weeks and still noticing scaly areas and when I rub it the fur comes off with the white scaly stuff.


Please help !

Aloha, Alikia
Loosing fur is common when there's a skin irritant/infection.

The Revolution was given topically or injection? If it was topical (just put in the ears/on the crusts) and you're still having problems, it might actually be a fungal infection. You might see if an injection would work better, if the rabbit can have it so soon after the initial treatment...

See what your vet says.
Our baby buns and Squish the stray all scratch their ears. Squish actually shakes her head/ears but the look clean. No black stuff like in cats & dogs, no wax or scaly stuff.
The rescue woman said her ears were mite free but I think she is odd and the bunny still shakes and scratches.
I'm not really in a position to take 10 bunnies to the vet and I don't like him.
Did the vet take a skin scraping to actually check for mites? They can confirm mites that way and if that is indeed the problem, suggest any alternate treatment methods.
Thank you all for your imput-

I got another dose of selamectin (revolution) today and dropped off a sample from his ear for the vet.

NOW he is sneezing....! Cold ?
Not alot but every few minutes I hear a tiny sneeze.

Any thoughts on what do for this ??