Ear infections suck.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, , United Kingdom
I think I just need to moan a bit, so advance warning: moan and feeling sorry for myself alert!

It started last week, on about Monday I think, and then I held on stupidly for days hoping it was nothing, but eventually went to the doctors on Friday. Both of my ears were very red and inflamed, so I got antibiotic ear spray for them. We were trying to avoid me having oral antibiotics since I've had about 5 courses of them this year alone for various things. But today I am still no better, so I had to call up again and get them :(

It's the most horrid thing. In both ears, but the right more than the left, all of a sudden my hearing will go completely and I'm just left with a ringing sound. I have the ringing sound pretty much constantly, so getting to sleep has been fairly impossible for the past 9 days. It sounds like I'm on a plane, where I can hear things still, but they sound really distant and muffled, like there's a load of background noise. And tons of pressure, that really hurts as well. My ears want to pop but they wont.

I actually hunted round our bedroom this morning checking all the electrical stuff to see if it was buzzing at all, before I realised it was just my ears :(

Hopefully the antibiotics I'm on now will clear it up... I've never had an ear infection before and I never want one again! They are most unpleasant! Plus, Steve is getting annoyed with me having the TV turned up super loud so much lol... :?

Rant over! :)

AWW huni sorry about u being sick that does suck... but at least now u can catch up on more bun cuddles ;)
Oh, I sure hope you feel better soon. Ear infections are very tricky. I haven't ever had an ear spray medication. I've always had oral medication because my ear infections always start from the throat and spread its way to the ear (ew!)... sigh. Rest up!
Thanks guys! :)

I had a funny feeling the spray wouldn't work. I'm kinda glad I don't have to use it anymore- when you have an ear infection your ears are swollen and red etc and it blinking hurts putting some nozzle in your ear and squirting it!

I'm also getting pains all around my ear/my neck. It's weird because normally if you have cold or something like that, you feel all crappy and like you don't want to do anything. I half feel normal, like I could go out and do things but I half feel terrible and just want to lie down and sleep it off. Very strange feeling :?

It's just so much worse at night. I think because it's so quiet, and when I lie down the ringing gets worse, so it's all I can hear- even living on a busy road, it drowns out the noise of the traffic, and it's taking me about 3 hours to get to sleep at all :(

I sure hope it goes away soon!
I have only had one ear infection since I left childhood. Two years ago, I got a cold and since I was blowing my nose so much it backed up into my right ear. The pain was so bad it woke me up at 6 AM the day after Thanksgiving. I called all the DR's offices to find one that was open but none opened until 7. It was so horrible. I left immediately and sat in the parking lot until the nurse's arrived. It was taking forever to get my insurance information straightened out so I started crying in the lobby. That made them take me in SUPER QUICK! Bad for business to have someone crying alone in the waiting room. haha!

I don't think i've ever had an Ear infection up till now.

It really does suck having it. Mine came full on 2 weeks ago but I didn't think about it. I couldn't work at all 'cause my head hurt and ears were really bothering me. I felt hot and couldn't constrait on what I was suppose to be doing. I felt almost dizzy and disoriented.

I took the next day off to recover and then by 3rd I was ok but was felling really tired.

Yesterday it came back. I went to work ears were bothering me a bit but thought i would go away but nope. I had leave work again.

Went to see a doc today and I have an ear infection. LUCKY ME. I got ear drops and oral meds.

Jen I'm gonna blame this on you :p


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