Ear Canal Abscess and Back Tooth Spike

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
We noticed for about a month now that Babbitty has dropped a bit of weight and since the whole Flynn hip dislocation, we got a bit distracted but got Babbitty in for an appointment tonight, hoping it would be something simple.

On his back tooth, there was a spike that looked like a little needle, it was very thin and looked almost long enough that if he closed his mouth completely, it might have poked his top gum. Luckily, this seemed to be easily fixed as our wonderful vet trimmed it without even sedating him, although I get the feeling Mr Babbitty isn't going to be feeling to social tonight as he seemed pretty infuriated by the entire thing.

The bad news was the abscess. The second that word left her mouth, I could just see us having to go through Peace all over again. It seems like we caught it early and she has us on antibiotics (Trimethoprim Sulfa 0.9 mLs every 12 hours) and pain killer. She drained it and sent us home. We're hoping it's enough to fight it off, but if not, we're going to try penicilin injections and if that doesn't work, we have to put him under and have them go into the ear canal to try and remove it.

It seems like when it rains, it pours. Things finally really start looking up for Flynn, now we get this.
Thanks Alma. That's what I was wondering as well, it seems to make sense.

The vet mentioned that ear canal abcesses are actually pretty common in lops because air flow does not properly go through their ears (She mentioned that every once in a while, holding their ears up and letting the air move through would be beneficial to the bunny) so they are prone to them, while she has never seen them in bunnies with their ears up.

Anyone else have experience with abscesses in that particular area?
Indiana buns had abcesses in his ear/eye area. He was a lop and came from horrible conditions. The people let it go way too long and he was weak from neglect to start with. Unfortunately he lost hearing on that side and the eye had to be removed. He ended up passing when the abcess came back, he didn't make it out of surgery. Please don't get upset though. He was SO skinny and malnourished before we ever got him to start the fight. It had already progressed very far and spread basically all through his sinuses before any medication was available.

Babbitty has good nutrition and tons of love going for him. You are catching it early so he's still very strong to fight it. I'm sure Babbitty will be good as new in no time :hug:

Went to give him his antibiotics tonight and started his rubbing his head when I realised there's another one starting in his other ear. We're back to the vet tomorrow.
Drat, what about some warm honey in that ear?? You have a good vet and started the anitibiotics early. It should arrest it quickly. Just make sure he is getting lots of cilantro etc to compensate for the other stuff he is getting. Hang in there.
We took him into the vet and I guess the lump was some irritation in his ear. There was some discharge and swelling, but not an abcess! Thank goodness, we still only have one to tackle!
Babbitty is doing well. His teeth are staying the way they should, he's gaining weight and his abcess is gradually getting smaller and he's responding well to antibiotics. I think we may be lucky on a fairly easy treatment on him.
Wonderful! I'm glad he's feeling better. Having a low stress life with good nutrition really helps these little guys fight an infection when it happens. Getting help early on is also key. You are such a wonderful bun mom! :hug:

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