Dusty Bunnies

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Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
, Washington, USA
A blog for my little boy, Dusty!!

Here is a picture of him from when he was a baby. I don't have anyother pictures on my computer (they were all taken with my cell phoneand the phone broke and I lost all of my pictures of him because Ididn't know how to upload them :( ) but i'm gonna take some later todayand i'll post them! :D


He's two years old, so he's alot bigger now. :D

When I first got him, we thought he was a girl, so for the first fewweeks he was Annabella. :shock: I chose the name Dusty because of "dustbunnies" haha, so I call him Dusty Bunnies alot.
Dusty is so cute. I love his colouring.

I look forward to seeing updated pictures of him.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
Here are some pictures I took tonight! Theyaren't the best quality, they were taken with my camera phone, plus hewouldn't stay still, so I had to end up putting him in his cage to getsome pics. :D I really need to get batteries for my digi cam!

Hanging out under my bed - his favorite spot

Playing in an old water bottle box. For some reason he looks gigantic in this picture!

You can see his coloring here.

And his cute little face!

I have no idea what breed he is. I was looking at the breed pictures onthis forum, and he sort of looks like a Mini Lop, but I don't know! Anythoughts?
Hmm, from what I can see, hiw face is actually really Hollan Lop-ish.

Dusty is great - I love the name - especially when they hang out underfurniture and they really are like dust bunnies.haha. That first pic is SO cute - I love babybunnies. They grow up so fast!
