Dull nail trimmer???

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys...I'm wondering if any of you canrecommend a certain brand or type of nail trimmer? I bought(actually for the cats, but was planning to use one day on the buns)one of those guilletine-type nail trimmers, and it was dull as it couldpossibly be! I tried it out on our boy kitty Hobbes the othernight, and it splintered the two nails I tried it on all toheck!! I was really upset, especially because we cannot findthe receipt, and the darn thing was about $11!!

So, I beg you...please let me know what brand or style of nail trimmerworks best for you. I don't want to make the same mistaketwice. Possibly even some tips on how to tell if the oneyou're looking at in the store is a good one or not?

Thanks so much, guys! :)

Rosie* and the Furbabies (hehe...sounds like an 80's band!)
I use these. I like them because I can put myfingers through the handles and still be able to use my hand withoutputting the clippersdown.


:yeahthatThey are the type of clippersI use as well, I prefer them to other types because you can put the bitof the nail you need to clip in the indent so you don't accidentallycut the quick.
I've had problems with the guillotine-type over the past couple years also - they just don't make them like they used to.

I have a pair like JimD posted that work well.

I use regular human nail clippers - I found I had better control over it than the animal clippers and it works great for me.

MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Even on my 7.5 lb boys (who have nails almostdouble the thickness of Zoey's) it works great.
The ones I have are just a bit too small for Tootsie (10 lb NZ). ButTootsie won't let me cut her nails anyway. We take her to the vet whereit take 2 techs to hold her while the vet clips. Tootsie is verystrong...and very set in her ways.
I found the human nail clippers do not have awide enough gap to cut my boys' nails. Not to mention I was advisedagainst is because I've heard of a lot of people having nails splitbecause of them. :?I saw it happen when my friend cut one ofher bunny's nails, so I wont ever use them.
I have a pair of guilletine clippers that I've had for well over ten years now, and they work the best.

I've used human nail clippers, which work in a pinch since I have small buns, but are more difficult on larger nails.

This style I bought recently, but found it twisted the nail whencutting so I went back to the guilletine ones:http://www.petsmart.com/global/prod...In=All&previousText=nail+clippers&N=2

I bought my guilletine ones from a small local petstore, and they are stainless steel, and very plain.

I hate those scissor-style cat ones like JimDuses. I bought the bunny one (you know, with the plasticbunny face) and it squeezed and splintered Mocha's tiny nails more thancut them.

This is what I've been using for over a year now. It's still sharp and cuts really nicely.

Edit: Just noticed that Dawn tried the same type as me. I haven't had any problems with it.

Hmm...I guess it depends really on the pair, maybe even the brand?

I'll try other kinds and see how it works. The reason Iswitched was because I was using regular (rather sharp, too, I mightadd) nail clippers on the kitty's claws, and it splintered them, so Ithought the guillietine type I bought would be better, but they provedmuch worse.

I'll shop around more, and try other types and see where it takes me. :)

Naturestee, I like the look of the ones you posted about. Ithink I might give those a shot. They look nice and sharp andstrong.

Thanks for your ideas, guys!! :D
naturestee wrote:
I hate those scissor-style cat ones like JimDuses. I bought the bunny one (you know, with the plasticbunny face) and it squeezed and splintered Mocha's tiny nails more thancut them.

The ones with the bunnie or g-piggie face aren't any good compared tothe ones I use. I bought the bunnie one, too..... and ended up throwingit away. They had more of a "slot" that the nail fit into...and I thinkit only had a cutting edge on one blade.

The pair I use can even be taken apart and sharpened. It has opposingSS cutting edges that are 1/4" round-ground on a bevel to provide amore exact and clean cut.Next time I go to the Agway I'llhave to check out what brand they are.
