New Member
Hi rabbit friends!
So I am reaching out on here in the event that someone has experienced something similar.
I have attached some pictures of what is currently happening to my male bun. When I first noticed this a few months back, I immediately took him to the vet thinking it was mites based on my online research. They did some skin scrapings and did not see any mites. The vet advised that they could still treat him for it to be safe, but could not say for sure that's what it was. I was told it was possible it could just be dry skin. I was given the option to take home a "dry skin" treatment which I did. At first it did seem like it was working, but as you can see, it has now come back.
SO, all that to say, I will obviously be taking another trip to the vet...but figured I would see if anyone had any advice or thoughts on here first as the vet bills are very expensive. (My last one was $300 to basically be told they were not sure lol -_- )
Also of note, my other rabbit who is housed directly beside him (and they can touch through the squares) has no signs of the same thing.
To give a very quick background; I have been a bun mum for years and currently have two wonderful Holland Lops. Both are over one year old and both are fixed. They are housed in a custom pen which is very large! Their diet consists of Oxbow Timothy Hay (unlimited access) and Oxbow Adult Rabbit Pellets (a very small amount once/day). They each get a treat at night prior to bedtime which is again Oxbow.
If anyone has seen this before or has any thoughts on what it could be, please let me know! Thank you so much for taking the time to look at / read this!
So I am reaching out on here in the event that someone has experienced something similar.
I have attached some pictures of what is currently happening to my male bun. When I first noticed this a few months back, I immediately took him to the vet thinking it was mites based on my online research. They did some skin scrapings and did not see any mites. The vet advised that they could still treat him for it to be safe, but could not say for sure that's what it was. I was told it was possible it could just be dry skin. I was given the option to take home a "dry skin" treatment which I did. At first it did seem like it was working, but as you can see, it has now come back.
SO, all that to say, I will obviously be taking another trip to the vet...but figured I would see if anyone had any advice or thoughts on here first as the vet bills are very expensive. (My last one was $300 to basically be told they were not sure lol -_- )
Also of note, my other rabbit who is housed directly beside him (and they can touch through the squares) has no signs of the same thing.
To give a very quick background; I have been a bun mum for years and currently have two wonderful Holland Lops. Both are over one year old and both are fixed. They are housed in a custom pen which is very large! Their diet consists of Oxbow Timothy Hay (unlimited access) and Oxbow Adult Rabbit Pellets (a very small amount once/day). They each get a treat at night prior to bedtime which is again Oxbow.
If anyone has seen this before or has any thoughts on what it could be, please let me know! Thank you so much for taking the time to look at / read this!