Dry poop!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester, , United Kingdom
Hi, is dry poop a problem? She's having the oddpoop that's very dry and sort of dusty. She keeps depositing them onthe sofa or carpet and they're really dusty they're a bit likecigarrette ash is this a problem?
make sure she is drinking lots. she might justbe a little dehydrated.... im not sure what it could be, but make sureshe is eating, drinking lots, and if this persists id contact a vet andjust ask. some vets will just tell you if its something to be concernedabout over the phone. ill look up some stuff to see if its directlyrelated to anything...
i dont really think dry poop is anything.... itsnot in the forums and i have never heard of it being a problem. as longas hes eating, drinking and not lethargic he should be fine.

Hi there,

My Holly has poops like that too. Very rarely, but Isometimes find them in her pen once in a while. She drinksand eats normal and is very healthy, so I don't think it's something tobe concerned about. Unless that is the way all your bun'spoops are like.
Haha well yea it is weird. It's sortalike a broken apart poo. Maybe thats what it was when Icleaned it up. I've only seen it once or twice, so it couldbe a possibility she jumped on it or something and sorta grinded it uplol

No its not been broken up or squished. Its thesize and shape of a normal one but slightly lighter and youtouch it just falls into bits. She has been slightly off her food for acouple of days and not eaten it imediatley like normal but has chompedit over about an hour. Its probably nothing.
Raph has been having dry bunny balls, but I'vebeen having an ongoing battle with him to drink more water. For him atleast, it's an indicator that his fluid intake is on the low side. Ifyour bunny is passing regular stool for the most part, I wouldn't worrytoo much...but monitor it to make sure there are no changes (i.e., shestarts having it more often, and/or in greater volume). Definitelycheck with a vet if it does.