She was so indignant about being dressedup. She would scowl and grunt and complain :X Shewould poop all over the floor, so I put little yellow doll pants on herwhen she was running around the house
We loved that little girl to pieces. I got her for Stephaniewhen she was just an itty bitty thing and Stephanie was inpreschool. Princess Anne was our first and only house bunnyand she was indeed a queen of the household. No one daredremove her from her cage (she'd rip your hand off).She had to come out on her own. She was just alittle dwarf, but would chase the dog out of his pen and steal hisblanky.
Princess feared nothing -- she hated anything white and even chasedafter one of our white horses. She was very offended by whitesocks invading her house and would attack anyone with white sockson. She even bit the lip off a white rabbit.
You didn't dare yell at her -- she'd stomp off and destroy somethingjust to get back at you. She bit through the Nintendo cordwhile the kids were playing and started chewing on my horse bridle whenI yelled at her for digging in the carpet.
As mean as she could be, she loved to cuddle. I was terriblysick when I was pregnant with Matthew, so I slept with Princess tuckedunder my chin. She'd wake me up by digging at me when she hadto go potty
Princess Anne died at 6 years of age from an intestinal blockage -- I still miss our little girl