double chin

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Dec 2, 2004
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my bunny is a little more than a year old. Heseems to grown a double chin. Can anyone help me with this. Is thisnormal? When I got the bunny I brought him to the vet for a check upand to find out what type of bunny she was. The vet told me she was adwarf/mini lop mix. that is why one is stays up and the other staysdown. Could the fact that she is a mix and not a pure bread havesomething to do with this? I would appreciate any feed back.
Thank you
I'm a little confused, is your bunny a male or a female? Or do you have one of each?

Anyway, it's called a dewlap and is pefectly normal. :) Dewlaps are especially common in female rabbits.

Greetings Shamrock!!

Yep,yep. It's a dewlop. Brindle didn't have one when we first got herat 3 months. She's just turned 1 year old on Dec 1st and you can seeshe has developed a dewlop. She thinks it looks cute on her. I tend toagree.



i shamrock lyla my holland lop has a huge!!! oneit is most common in females it is used for when they are going to havebabys to pull fur from.
I'm sorry for the confusion. Shamrock is afemale. You see, I live with all males (my husband, 2 sons, male dog,male hamster) except for Shamrock. So it is habbit for me to say he.Thank you so much to everyone for their quick responses. I was reallyconcerned and now I am relieved.
Welcome aboard,Shamrock!

Dewlaps are just extra skin, as Stephanie,JimD,andgjsaraexplained. Some have a'butt ruffle' as well. It looks like a little skirt in theback of them. It's also something found in females.

* * * * * * * *


Brindle is beautiful.


JimD wrote:
Greetings Shamrock!!

Yep,yep. It's a dewlop. Brindle didn't have one when we first got herat 3 months. She's just turned 1 year old on Dec 1st and you can seeshe has developed a dewlop. She thinks it looks cute on her. I tend toagree.



Hay! Build a bear wokshop^ that place isfun.
The question i got asked most at Fair byfair goers was "What is the thing growng out of that rabitsneck?":shock:
My girl Hollands have a "skirt" too on their bellies. It's cute. Hollands have so much extra SKIN!!!

LOL, I still maintain it should be called a built in scarf for those of us with sensitive feelings

Jezebel (proud wearer of a BUILT IN SCARF)

Is the build a bear box for Brindle? I thought Mr. Wiggles might liketo play/go in side one so I cut a big whole in one side, all he couldfit in was his head. So he decided to toss it around his cage LOL

Meganc731 wrote:
Is the build a bear box for Brindle? I thought Mr. Wigglesmight like to play/go in side one so I cut a big whole in one side, allhe could fit in was his head. So he decided to toss it around his cageLOL


Hi Megan,

That was her box of chioce that day. She loves cardboard of any kind,especialy boxes. I was actually using the Build-a-Bear boxes to make aminiature golf hole. It was a scale model of "Big Ben and the Houses ofParliment". Brindle thought this was a great new toy and spent most ofher time whizzing in and out of it. She would go in and stop, everybodywould go "Where's the bunnie?", we would hear "bump,bump,bump" and outher head would pop where the ball was supposed to come out. She goteven more excited when we were using her little bell-ball to test thehole. We'd roll the ball in and Brindle would chase right after it. Weall had a great time, even if it did take a lot longer to finish theproject. That picture is of her resting after wearing us all out.

DaisyNBuster wrote:
I have noticed that this year Daisy's dewlap hasgot so big. Is it only female rabbits that have them as Buster of Snowydont have one?

Hi VickieO,

I think males can have one, too. As you can see, this male has adewlap. Not the bunnie...the other guy. Oh..did you mean male"rabbits"?:D


JimD wrote:
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Ihave noticed that this year Daisy's dewlap has got so big. Isit only female rabbits that have them as Buster of Snowy dont have one?

Hi VickieO,

I think males can have one, too. As you can see, this male has adewlap. Not the bunnie...the other guy. Oh..did you mean male"rabbits"?:D


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