Doodlers on the forum...unite....and SHOW YOUR STUFF!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
Eric got me hooked on and I've been watching old tv shows and movies lately.

Now I don't have a single artistic bone in my body....I can't even color and stay in the lines.

But when I need to relax - or am feeling relaxed - I love to doodle. I especially love to doodle if I'm watching a tv show or movie I've seen before....

There are two ways I like to doodle - here is what I've been doing recently...


I even bought a sketch pad and some markers to doodle with ....

So tell me - who else doodles - and what do you do?

(I'll try to do my other doodling later this week and show it too).

Im going to the Dentist in a few minutes but when I get back I shall upload some pictures of my doodles. Their pretty cool. And what you draw, it's so complex. I'd get fustrated and throw it away, witch is why most of my stuff is not color'd in because I usually end up ruining it.

:) but good job
That's so cool looking Peg! It's like all abstract-y?? lol. I don't know what exactly it is, but it's sweet!

I doodle...sometimes I doodle about nothing in particular, I practice my signature - if you count that as doodling - I also draw horses too. They're not the best, but it's still something I guess. I'll have to find them and take pictures & upload them.

*goes off and searches*

Well, when I doodle it's usually just squiggles and lines, and usually done when I'm on the phone or am waiting for a macro to run at work. But I did used to sketch. I did a pic of a foal a loooooong time ago and lost the picture, but had photocopied it before losing the original. And now the photocopy is in tatters. So here's a copy of my photocopy of my sketch of a foal I did eons ago. It gives an idea of what I used to be able to do.

What's funny tho is, unless I have a photograph in front of me to use as a basis for my sketches, my drawings would turn out like little stick figures. I have no concept of mental imagery per se; so to create something as patterned and creative as your doodle, Peg...I just couldn't do it. I love your use of colors in that doodle too, very uplifting! And I love the way you designed the patterns too. :)

Sketch of a foal (circa 1990s, maybe) - drawn from a photo in a horse book


Wow Basset! That's not doodling! That's art! lol. That's really cool though! I can't draw horses that good...mine look like donkeys I think,with the "horsey" look though. lol. I still haven't found my sketchpad.

That horse is truly "art" - mine is just ... doodles...

Here is what I drew during the last episode of Babylon 5 I was watching - I think the episode was like 48 minutes long...or 43 minutes....


The purple triangle is where I started - I'll probably color it in during the next episode...

I am great at colouring in the my little pony colouring pages that you can download. Very relaxing. Sadly, I always think other ppl's art looks better than my own. Must be a perfectionist delusion :biggrin2:
Hmm I was doodling the other day while I was on here and every so often i refreshed it to see new posts i will try and find it - let the search begin .......
Well - it turned out to be more of a doodle maybe - probably cause I have a sketchpad now and I got carried away....


But I somehow feel so much more relaxed....

I know I don't have any talent...but it is fun.

I hope other folks will show their doodles - I will try to show more doodles in a bit...

TinysMom wrote:
Well - it turned out to be more of a doodle maybe - probably cause I have a sketchpad now and I got carried away....


But I somehow feel so much more relaxed....

I know I don't have any talent...but it is fun.

I hope other folks will show their doodles - I will try to show more doodles in a bit...
Ack! How can you say you have no talent!?! I love the colors and designs in this. To me it's not just a 'doodle'; it is an abstract...most definitely art. You know, if you were to find a nice frame and hang this, it would really look great on a wall. I hope you keep on doing this, as I find thismethod of artform very uplifting. :)
Bassetluv wrote:
You know, if you were to find a nice frame and hang this, it would really look great on a wall. I hope you keep on doing this, as I find this method of artform very uplifting. :)

Exactly my thoughts...
I was just think..I wonder if I could find someway to have something like that covering my room walls when I have it next decorated :biggrin2:
Very cool doodles Peg! I have many pages in my art journal full of "meeting doodles". I always hope it looks like I'm taking notes;)but I doodle constantly. I am in a "zentangles" phase right now. It is very relaxing to doodle.

I found one of my doodles that I had posted on my flickr account:

I went looking for some of my stuff... what survived Hurricane Rita, and what my mother didn't pilfer away to her house...

I doodled in art school, when I was suppose to be actually doing layout production art..

A couple of these, the Zebra's,(which went with a history paper if I remember correctly, maybe Biology..something about the African Savanna)the Medusa,(which went with anEnglish Lit paper)and the pic of my mom, are actually from High almost 20 years..

As I said.. crappy condition because they survived Hurricane Rita..

I will try to get my mom to bring me the good stuff..











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