Dont you love seeing your animals in the run running around ?

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mini lop luva

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2005
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London, , United Kingdom
I love it in the summer when it is hot lolseeing my animals on the run grazing soo cute i watching tv and i seemy rabbit running up and down skiping about my guinea pig munching awaywhat do your rabbits do in the run ??

Right now my rabbits are outside in the backyard. It is totally enclosed and finally rabbit-proof (wethought it was rabbit-proof till Puck got out twice....we watched whathe did...and fixed it).

I'm guessing they have about 1/10th of an acre to run on - not sure -but our whole property is 1/3 1/10th sounds aboutright.

My buns like to hide under the bushes (when they're tired of running)and they like to go sit under the rose bushes. It'sfunny to watch them because they each have differentpersonalities. One bunny will run around for about 10 minutesand then sit the rest of the time in the grass trying tohide. Another bunny will run for 30 minutes andnevereven think of hiding.

The worst part about this is.....herding them into the house whenexercise time is done. I need to find a better way to dothis...

Some of them will soon be put in a run type area outside made up withNIC cubes as they get a little older....and as I buy morecubes. (I canget 85 or 88 panels or something likethat for about $50 on Ebay).

Anyway - my bunnies love the outside and Tiny has learned to sit by thedoor to let me know when he wants in and when he wants out.He's just a bundle of are the others!


This picture shows about 1/2 of my backyard!
My rabbits always make me laugh when they are intheir run. My rabbits' hutch is in their full time run but i also putthem in a one that i make out of mesh (and tent pegs) which isdefinetly their favourite! When i put them in they just hop aroundnibiling grass then the next second they are racing around doingbinkies! It's hilarious! My rabbits always seem to want bigger andbigger runs though. They always try to escape. I put the mesh upagainst a wall to make the run bigger and Millie climbed the wall!! Myother rabbit Ruby prefers to try to chew her way through. I forgivethem though. They are happiest when they are trying to escape! Luckilythey never have though!
Oh I love seeig my animals out and enjoying thegrass ansd sunshine. It is a pain like Fluffy said - to getthem to go back. Like putting little kids to bed. :p
I always put a chair in my rabbits run becauseMillie always loves to jump on it and see whats happening in theneigbours garden! She is so comical! bless her.:pShe alsoloves a cardboard box with holes in it. Sometimes i can't get her toleave it! Ruby prefers to move the box around though. Anybody else haveany good toy ideas for bunnies? Mine never play with the ones i buyfrom pet shops. They just look at them then hop away. :(
My favorite time of the day isrun-time! My buns run crazy binkys and hop around.They munch on Bermuda grass. They tease my dog and wear himout when theyrun around and around - it must beexhausting! I love to see them take a break. Theyflop down so hard...*sigh!*

OH!! And I LOVE to watch them dig. It is so cute. Ithink it is so cute when Shorty my good little digger digs and digs, heis COVERED in dirt and dust! Sometimes it is even in hisnose. He diggs so deep sometimes he even has dirt in thecorners of his eyes. Dirty little bunny! There arethese tiny finches that used to get into their run (I fixed thatproblem) but they would chase them out of their run. Darnbirds were eating their pellets and stealing their hay. :?
Since Christine and the buns are visiting forthe week, while Steen was at work today, I put both sets of rabbits(mine and hers) out in their pens. It was so wonderful to see themenjoying the sun and the grass, and the curious robins who wanted toget a closer look :p.

They were oh-so-very content and happy :sunshine:
Both of my bunnies love it outdoors.They love to graze on the bermuda grass. They do binkies and then whenthey are tired they stretch out on the grass. Sometimes theynibble on the wires of the playpen thinking they can getout. They are so cute. I specially love it whenthey stand on their hind legs only and perk up their ears as iflistening very intently to something.


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