We lost our beautiful flemish giant, Toast on Friday. Wednesday morning my boyfriend casually mentioned she hadn't finished all her greens. I worked for an exotics vet for 5 years, I know how bad it is if a bunny stops eating. Important to note, she was still eating, just not as much. I called the vet and took her in that night. she was still alert, still curious still chowing down on her pellets. The vet could feel something in her intestines and since she had been shedding horribly since her spay, we assume it was hair. She came home with fluids, reglan, oxbow critical careand instructions to feed her baby food too (although I opted for putting greens through the food processor and adding a little baby food)), to get the gut moving. Thursday morning she was a little blah, but she ate her mush (critical care and greens mixed) and took her medicine and ate some pellets. Thursday afternoon she was perkier and ate some more, thursday night she ate her mush, a strawberry, canned pumpkin and even nibbled some dandelion greens. Friday morning she wouldnt touch anything. I called the vet as soon as they opened to get her in to be hospitalized, called my boyfriend to take her in. 10 minutes later I got the phone call I'd been dreading from him. She was gone. Our beautiful sweet bunny who we had less than a year, who was less than 2 years old was gone. Don't wait and wonder if you should take them to the vet. We didn't wait and we still lost her. I will forever question myself was there some sign before wednesday? should I have left her at the vet wednesday night? I failed her, it was my job to keep her happy, healthy and safe, and I failed:-(