dont laugh at this question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
scottsville, Kentucky, USA
well, he is doing inside the cage binkies. and hit the top of the cage really hard sounding. he appears fine. and last night he was out and jumped on top of the couch, then decided to jump over the back of it! he landed safely but it scared me soo bad. and theres more! a few nights ago he went runnig in zig zags playing and everytime he changed direction he would fall! his front legs would just go right underneath him. what the world is wrong with my crazy bunny! any body else have a wreckless bunny?
Devon and Amber are absolute kamikazees when they do bunny 500s! I think bunnies like showing off:cool:.
Tootsie has recently discovered "Blankie Surfing" :shock:
She runs and then jumps on her blankie. She then slides acroos the smooth side of her pen and often bangs into the side of the pen. It scared the heck out of me the first few times, but she seems to be having fun.

There was someone else's bun that did something similar involving a tile floor, a paper plate, and a baker's rack.

"SURF'S UP!!!"

bunnydude wrote:
Blankie Surfing, I'd LOVE to see that:roflmao:

"HEARING" it is an experience in itself. Tootsie weighs 10 lbs and raises quite a racket when she "surfs".

Last week was the first time I "saw" her doing it. I thought she was just flopping against the pen and couldn't figure out what all the noise was......Run to the far side of the pen (ka-thump, ka-thump, ka-thump)....get a running start (scrabble..scrabble...scrabble)....and fling yourself onto the awaiting blankie(WHEEEEEE..KA-THUMP...WHOOSH...BANG-CLATTER-CRASH) :shock:...get a head-shake...arrange the blankie a little...AND DO IT AGAIN!!!!:bunnydance:
ROFL! I think Pebbles is a few fries short of a happy meal.. yesterday she fell up stairs.. I was sitting on the stairs laughing. She looked so funny!

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