Don't Forget

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LOL we just did this here in:Australia: (we did it last night today is sunday) but we did the putthem forward and hour thing!!

It's nearly 8pm and it's just starting to get dark now, I love thistime. I feel like I have a life after work to play outside with thepuppies (ok they are 2 but they are still puppies to us ).
Play time with the hose, they love water, and not to mention you get extra time to do stuff, well it feels like it anyway.

. . . and when you change yourclocks -- remember to also change the batteries in your smoke alarms!


ariel wrote:
It's nearly 8pm and it's just starting to get darknow, I love this time. I feel like I have a life after work to playoutside with the puppies (ok they are 2 but they are still puppies tous ).
Play time with the hose, they love water, and not to mention you get extra time to do stuff, well it feels like it anyway.

I gets dark around 5:00-5:30 now. :XNo time to spend with thebunnies because it gets so dark so early so they can't run aroundoutside much.
Thanks for the reminder Zee.

My parents didnt reset the clock until this morning!

Well I forgot to set my clock back, my husband'sa limo driver, i got up at 1/4 to 7, Icalled asking him wherethe heck he was.

Well he was on his way home so I thought I'dstay up to feedthe Bunnies. When he got home around 8 we were talkin andthen I realized i had actually got up at 1/4 to 6 DAH. So Istayed up and did some gardening. Now he's sleeping.

Well, I saw this reminder several times yesterday, and I still forgot. Typical fur-brained me. :p
Laura wrote:
I'm moving to Australia! At least until April!



Things to do.....

Put bunnies behind Plate Glass so Laura can't steal 'em.

Put welcome mat out.

That's what it's like here too , but we just finished with all of that thank gawsh.

ariel wrote:
MBB That's what it's like here too , but wejust finished with all of that thank gawsh.

Our summer was colder than your winter. That's what someAustralian athletes said when they were here for theWorldMaster's Games.

Rainbows! :D
Pet_Bunny wrote

Our summer was colder than your winter. That's what someAustralian athletes said when they were here for theWorldMaster's Games.

Rainbows! :D

I believe you, I know it gets freezing over your way.

I can handle down to about
8 degrees C but that's cold to me. It does get down to 1 orjust below 1 where I live and I can't stand it, doesn't happen allwinter but it happens in the town where I live and I freeze LOL
Laura wrote

Hee hee

I promise not to nap themif you'll let me cuddle them the entire time I'm there!


Well ok,,,, This is the front door of our house and this is where youleave Gizmo and Roger, Amber and Bindy, just like you seeGizmo here in this picture ok????


Please feel free to study this picture and learn where to place the bunnies as you are leaving.:p:p

pamnock wrote:
. . . and when you change yourclocks --remember to also change the batteries in your smoke alarms!

That Pam is a good idea to do! Don't know about over there but here smoke alarms are mandatory now.
ariel wrote:
Laura wrote

Hee hee

I promise not to nap themif you'll let me cuddle them the entire time I'm there!


Well ok,,,, This is the front door of our house and this is where youleave Gizmo and Roger, Amber and Bindy, just like you seeGizmo here in this picture ok????


Please feel free to study this picture and learn where to place the bunnies as you are leaving.:p:p

Oh my gosh! You have to stop posting pics like that or I REALLY will come down there and get Gizzy.





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