dogs came back

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
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Bubville, , USA
They attacked the cage--it was old and rotted andnearest the ground....we just finished the new one....bit the chickenwire...there's blood in the box but I can't find a wound....I think shehit her head and her nose bled....the tracks were big....they circledthe other cages but couldn't get in....

and thank God, thank God, thank God

she's alive and inside now.

not again, oh I am so sorry this, I hope the bunny will be fine
This year something is very wrong. Last week bunnies, this week at my work there are so many tragedies and relatives being sick.
Oh, poor Izzy! :( I imagine she's terrified, the dear thing. :(:( I hope she's alright.
Poor little Love!

Make sure it's secure. Those varmints will be back.

Iz will not go back out until her new cage is setup and secure. It is identical to Bub's, which was dog-proof lastnight. I painted it this morning, and it will go out tomorrow,hopefully.

She is ok but not happy, because she's in the kennel and thereforethinks she's going to the V-E-T. So she won't eat, drink, or go to thebathroom for a couple hours until she is confident that she's not goinganywhere. Also, she won't soil her box, so I hope she figures it's okto go to the bathroom in the kennel. And she doesn't like "housenoises"--the kitchen timer just went off....

Just so she's safe tonight. Iz hates change. I might put her in the new cage in the garage with plastic underneath.

Give her lots of love from me, Rabbitgirl.

Poor dear Iz and Bub. I'm sure he was upset as well. It must've shaken you up as well.

Rose, that was a close call!!!!:X Can you call animal control and report thosedogs? That is going to put a lot of stress on allyour rabbits and you too for that matter. I am so sorry aboutthis. Isn't Izzy the one who got so upset when you cut hernails? May be she has been stressed out about the dog visitsand the nail cutting stressed her out that much more. I dohope that something can be done about those dogs. I am gladpoor Izzy is in for the night. Take Care Beckie
I think you're right, the dogs may have had something to do with her current emotional state when I clipped her nails.


When I went to the garage to check on her tonight, she had peed in allfour corners of her new cage, and shyly came to greet me. She hasstopped belly-crawling around the cage (remember Bub did that too inhis new cage), and seems to be somewhat more cheerful.

But mom went to check on her earlier this afternoonand saidthat she couldn't wake her. Her hearing has not been all that good, andtherefore she sleeps deeply--so I'm guessing she didn't realize the dogwas there until it bit the wire next to her. She must have bolted andhit the side of the box door on the way--which would explain the blood.I guess it made me realize two things: that the hearing problems mustbe genetic (Pandemonium's deafness), and that she is more vulnerablebecause of that.

Bub was frantic and hyperactive today, and tried to spray, then decidednot to. He was being very weird, acting like he was checking to makesure I was ok. He was unsettled by the incident also.

I don't think calling animal control would do any good unless we actually found the dogs and then called....I don't know.

I am worried about them all, but thankfully the cages seem safe--all but Izzy's, and she has a new one now.

things could have been much worse!!
The dogs will keep coming back as long as thereis nothing to stop them. They will act more and more like a pack ofwild dogs. They can tear a strong cage apart are wire apart. Do notunder estimate their power. Your rabbit is like food to them, it istheir instinct when running loose that has taken control.
Dogs should not be running loose to begin with.

edwinf8936 wrote:
The dogs will keep coming back as long as there is nothing tostop them. They will act more and more like a pack of wild dogs. Theycan tear a strong cage apart are wire apart. Do not under estimatetheir power. Your rabbit is like food to them, it is their instinctwhen running loose that has taken control.
Dogs should not be running loose to begin with.


I so agree.

That's why I suggested the fence, but the set-up is different from what I had thought as described in the other post.

Those dogs are definitely on a mission.



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