Doesn't eat that much?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
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In A Tree, Kent, , United Kingdom
Sorry for all the posts, i've just got a lot of questions!

Will doesn't seem to eat much hay. People always say that its anessentila part of a rabbits diet but he really doesn't eat any? Mainlyi use it for bedding because hw eats so little. I was thinking.. doesthe fact he is an outdoor bunny ahve anything to do with it? Hecompletley eats the grass down to the ground in a day in his run. Imoveit every day and he munches it all away. Is his lack of hay-eatingbecause he is getting enough with the grass?

Thanks! I find it difficult to se ehow much hay he really does nibbleso i might try buyinga hay rack so i can see better?
Does he use a litterbox? If so, you could tryputting a hay rack right above it, and then you would kill two birdswith one stone: encourage him to use the litterbox while he's eatingthe hay. Our past rabbit, Theodore, wouldn't eat hay if it was in hislitterbox, even though plenty of people reccomend doing this. He wouldonly eat it if it was in a hay rack or it's own basket, etc. Maybe yourbunny is just picky! Eating a large ammount of grass would probablyfill him up so he isn't as hungry for hay, too.
Hmm, he has hay in his litterbox but he doesn'treally use his litter box. He pees in it but he doesn't really do allhis poops in it. I'm training him soon!

I'll buy a hayrack soon, most of them are around £5 so i'll look oneBay or something. I need some new toys for him aswell. He's a happybunny but he doesn't really like to eat too many veggies or eat hay. Hegenerally likes his pellets and drinks a TON (about 320ml in a fewhours).
I don't think it's because of the grass becausemy rabbits eat a lot of grass and still eat loads of hay, however thefact that he's eating grass is good, as that means he's still gettingfiber into him. What type of hay does he eat and also is it goodquality? My girls love themeadow hay from my local pet shop,it is really soft and green and smells so nice I could eat it myself!If it is bad hay he may not want it. Also you could try him with a fewdifferent types of hay to see which ones he prefers, you can order ataster pack off the hay experts try them out. (They also have great toys!;))
About the only thing that beingoutsideeffects is his preference on food.It mighthave to do with the fact that if he isn't absolutely in love with hay,that he'd rather fill up on grass and pellets instead of hay. So isthere any way you can limit his access to the grass?

Mine get to go on grass a lot but they are huge hay eaters. If I givethem fresh hay when they are outside in the grass, they immediatelystart chomping down on it.

His grass intake will be muchly decreased assoon as i get his run built (which i've just come up here to take abreak from :)) because then he will only have the grass in the run tonibble on and once thats gone, it's gone until its grown up again. I'vegot some "meadow hay" from the local pet store but i got given a sampleof some other hay from Pets at Home so maybe i'll do a test. I'll leavehim two bowls with both those hays in and see which he prefers. Maybehe just isn't a big hay eater?

And thanks bunnys_rule... i'll definatley order some samples1