Does Your Bunny Watch TV?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
, Georgia, USA
Sherman loves basketball games and every morninghe has to watch The Pretender before he lets me put him tobed. (I kid you not :?.)
YES! My rabbit watch t.v.

The only time he sits down to watch it is if football's on.

I knew it wasn't just us!:shock: Right now Sherman's stretched out in front of myhusband intently watching a basketball game with him.

I tell you, it's unbelievable.
Typical males! Do they pull out the beer andchips, too? :pMine aren't inside enough to know, but I'm surethey'd love cartoons or some such thing!

*Laughs* Too Funny M&SMom!

It's True!

It doesn't matter if it's Man or Beast, they're all the same!

My little Flat Top likes football too and I caughthim watching naked movies with my husband late at night. He is soaddicted to TV that he thought the tag machine at Petsmart was a TV andstared at it for a while until I moved our table with the literature.His paws hurt my shoulder. He also has a stuffed remote he plays withfrom Dollar Tree.
And I thought I had problems, Bunty, with thefootball! Skin flicks too?! Now that's aPlayboy Bunny!

lol...well batman likes to watch tvsometimes too, but he has a very busy schedule you know.;)however, i dont have cable & im not into sports, sohes stuck watching talk shows & reruns of sitcoms. he doesparticularly like to lay next to the tv...maybe hes saying"watch me! watch me! im soo much more exciting that "frasier!"":p
And he is more exciting than Frasier. Much easier on the eyes too. ;)

I just thought I'd ask about the beer because Iwanted to know how many of your guys' rabbits were like HB104's! We allsaw the picture of Jade and Jez passed out on top of each other! lol. ;)

No Doubt, M&SMom and the mention of HB104's Jade and Jezpicture. Michelle nailed that one!

hehe-thats right, carolyn. poor littleguys exhausted! we went to the park today & stayed for twohours. he was having a blast but it was a bit warm out & nowhes pooped!
Hmmmmmm. My bunnies dont come inside really.However if they did I can imagine Ebony in tears (bunnytears)sitting with mum on the sofa watching some romantic sadfilm where someone dies. Then theres Fidget. Sharing Dads beer, shovinghis face with chips watching the Rugby or something.

*With much discretion I had to post about thosetwo and their ENQUIRER like pose that was found posted, much to theirchagrin! Since such posting, they have cleaned up their act and are nolonger partaking of any alcoholic libations! They have also decided toabstain from any viewing of the television lest a camera makes its wayinto our home and catches them watching an unfavourable program such asSouthpark!*

Will post updates as to their NEW and IMPROVED social behavior when such changes have been noted!


In this photo, none of Sherman's "pictures" are on, so he's laying in front of the TV.

P.S. Although I vacuumed this morning, you can see that bunnyhair is everywhere again! He's reallymoulting.

Only had Bandit since last nite, but he seems toprefer Animal Planet last nite. He was watching that veryintently last nite....and today he was out here with me and Lifetimewas on...he didn't seem too interested. LOL

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